!! Questions and Answers from the [Aelfinn|Finn]

The [twisted red doorway|Twisted Red Doorway|Twisted red doorway] in the [Stone of Tear] leads to the land of the [Aelfinn|Finn] who give truthful answers to three questions. We know for a fact that [Mat], [Rand] and [Moiraine] went through the doorway and got answers to questions.

! [Mat]

* "Should I go home to my people?"
* "You must go to [Rhuidean]."

* "Why should I?"
* "If you do not go to [Rhuidean] you will die."

* "Why?"
* "You will have sidestepped the thread of fate, left your fate to drift on the winds of time, and you will be killed by those who do not want that fate fulfilled."

* When [Mat] demands to know his fate, the [Aelfinn|Finn] continue, "To marry the [Daughter of the Nine Moons|Tuon]! To die and live again, and live once more a part of what was! To give up half the light of the world to save the world! Go to [Rhuidean], son of battles! Go to [Rhuidean], trickster! Go, gambler! Go!"

!! [Rand]

* One question was how to cleanse ''[saidin|Said]''.
* The answer was a riddle that [Herid Fel] says "stated sound principles in both high philosophy and natural philosophy."

* "How can I win the [Last Battle|Creator] and survive?"
* "The north and the east must be as one. The west and the south must be as one. The two must be as one. If you would live, you must die."

* The third question and answer are unknown. The [Aelfinn|Finn] did not mention [Rhuidean] to him.

!! [Moiraine]

We know nothing about the three questions [Moiraine] asked and the three answers she received.

[Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Prophecies]