Pronunciation: AL-ihn-dayr

A large village on west bank of the [Alindrelle|Erinin River] [Erinin River]. It lies at the foot of the southwest bridge that leads from [Tar Valon]'s [Alindaer Gate|Tar Valon].

!! References

# In [New Spring]
## [NS,Ch4] - Over the years, Alindaer has seen its share of war. It was burned three times during the [Trolloc Wars], again at the end of the [War of the Second Dragon|../../history/dragon] and twice more during [Artur Hawkwing]'s siege.
## [NS,Ch4] - [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] and [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] hope to collect names near [Dragonmount], but instead they are sent to the camps south of Alindaer.
# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch1] - The wind passes [Jualdhe], [Darein] and Alindaer in the introductory passage. [Min|Min Farshaw] encountered a force of [Whitecloaks] in Alindaer.
# In [The Gathering Storm]
## [TGS,Ch1] - A wind rises at the [White Tower]. It blows across Alindaer, then the [Black Hills] and the [Caralain Grass] to [Arad Doman].
## [TGS,Ch45] - [Gareth Bryne] and [Egwene|Egwene alVere] lead the rebel army through [Darein] to the foot of the Alindaer Bridge.