Title: King Alsalam Saeed Almadar King of [Arad Doman]. ! Physical Description He is not handsome enough for [Graendal]'s tastes. ([LoC,Ch6]) %%collapsebox-closed ! Chronology (Possible Spoilers) * King Alsalam is missing. No one seems to know where he is, but he is not in [Bandar Eban]. ([CoT,Prologue]) * [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] finds Alsalam and returns him to [Tear|Tear (Country)] where [Ituralde|Rodel Ituralde] meets him. ([ToM,Ch32]) * [Egwene], King [Easar|Easar Togita] from [Shienar], King Alsalam from [Arad Doman], [Elayne] from [Andor], %%green [Cadsuane]%%, [Min], [Perrin], [Faile], [Nynaeve], King [Roedran|Roedran Analoy] from [Murandy], [Gregorin|Gregorin Panar den Lushenos] from [Illainer|Illian (Country)], King [Paitar|Paitar Neramovni Nachiman] from [Arafel], King [Darlin|Darlin Sisnera] from [Tear|Tear (Country)], Queen [Tenobia|Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi] from [Saldaea], Queen [Alliandre|Alliandre Maritha Kigarin] from [Ghealdan] and [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] from [Mayene] all attend [Rand]'s meeting at the [Field of Merrilor]. ([AMoL,Ch5]) %% ! Other References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In [Lord of Chaos] ## [LoC,Ch6] - [Graendal] keeps Alsalam's brother and sister-in-law, his youngest sister and eldest daughter as pets. # In [The Path of Daggers] ## [TPoD,Ch12] - [Graendal] forges a letter from Alsalam to [Rodel Ituralde] designed to create more chaos. # In [Crossroads of Twilight] ## [CoT,Prologue] - [Rodel Ituralde] thinks Alsalam has been a good ruler for over twenty years, but his recent orders seem intent on causing chaos. ## [CoT,Ch18] - In the east there are confusing rumors about King Alsalam, [Rodel Ituralde] and [Arad Doman]. ## Glossary - His full name is Alsalam Saeed Almadar. He is High Seat of House [Almadar|Arad Doman]. # In [Knife of Dreams] ## [KoD,Ch18] - [Logain|Logain Ablar] reports that the Council of Merchants claim that Alsalam is still King but no one knows where he is. # In [The Gathering Storm] ## [TGS,Ch7] - [Bael] reports that [Dobraine|Dobraine Taborwin] has [Bandar Eban] under control, but King Alsalam and the [Council of Merchants|Arad Doman] have disappeared. ## [TGS,Ch10] - [Rand|Rand alThor] tells [Ituralde|Rodel Ituralde] that his loyalty to King Alsalam is now moot because he is in thrall to [Graendal]. ## [TGS,Ch29] - [Rand|Rand alThor] commands [Milisair Chadmar] to produce the last messenger she received from King Alsalam. ## [TGS,Ch31] - [Rand|Rand alThor] still has not decided what to do about missing Alsalam. ## [TGS,Ch37] - [Natrin's Barrow|Natrins Barrow] is so old and remote, King Alsalam probably did not even know about it. # In [Towers of Midnight] ## [ToM,Ch13] - [Rand|Rand alThor] sends [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] to the [Caralain Grass] to search for Alsalam. %% %%cat-border [Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Characters] | [Category.A Characters] | [Category.LoC Characters] | [Category.TPoD Characters] | [Category.CoT Characters] | [Category.KoD Characters] | [Category.TGS Characters] | [Category.ToM Characters] | [Category.AMoL Characters] %%