[Sheriam|Sheriam (Show)]'s [Warder].

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* In Northharbor, Aludran is visited by [Liandrin], who uses diluted crimsonthorn root on him, leading to [Nynaeve]’s confrontation and ejection (Scene 20 - [Episode 202])


! References (Possible Spoilers)


# [Season 1]
## Episode 106
### Scene 16 - [Moiraine|Moiraine (Show)] mentions [Liandrin|Liandrin (Show)]’s man in Northharbor, implying Aludran
# [Season 2]
## Episode 202
### Scene 13 - [Alanna|Alanna (Show)] asks if Arinvar could join the discussion


Book Character: N/A\\

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