Category.Episode 202 Characters

This is a set WikiCategory used to tag the 36 Show Characters in Episode 202 from the Amazon Prime series.

  1. Adeleas (Show)
  2. Alanna (Show)
  3. Aludran (Show)
  4. Arinvar (Show)
  5. Bayle (Show)
  6. Cadsuane (Show)
  7. Celestin (Show)
  8. Egwene (Show)
  9. Elayne (Show)
  10. Elena Katab (Show)
  11. Elyas (Show)
  12. Errol (Show)
  13. Farina (Show)
  14. Ihvon (Show)
  15. Ingtar (Show)
  16. Ishamael (Show)
  17. Lan (Show)
  18. Leane (Show)
  19. Liandrin (Show)
  20. Logain (Show)
  21. Loial (Show)
  22. Maksim (Show)
  23. Masema (Show)
  24. Mat (Show)
  25. Mazrim Taim (Show)
  26. Min (Show)
  27. Moiraine (Show)
  28. Nynaeve (Show)
  29. Perrin (Show)
  30. Rand (Show)
  31. Selene (Show)
  32. Sheriam (Show)
  33. Tomas (Show)
  34. Uno (Show)
  35. Verin (Show)
  36. Yann (Show)