[{Table style='width:100%' | [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_lft.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=CoT,Ch12'}] | %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/lion_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Lion Chapter Icon Usage'}] ''[CoT|Crossroads of Twilight]: High Seats'' %% | [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_rgt.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=CoT,Ch14' align='right'}] }] %%tabs ! __Elayne__ POV After the [Sea Folk] leave, [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] and [Aviendha] dress assisted by [Essande], [Naris] and [Sephanie]. [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] returns, announcing that [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] is back with the High Seats of Houses [Mantear|Andor], [Haevin|Andor], [Gilyard|Andor] and [Northan|Andor]. [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] wonders what happened at the missing House, [Candraed|Andor]. [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] orders [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] to entertain them in them in the formal sitting room and to have the First Maid[1] arrange apartments for them. When they are finished dressing [Rasoria|Rasoria Domanche] and the other guards escort them to the sitting room to meet the new arrivals. Lord [Perival|Perival Mantear] of House [Mantear|Andor], Lady [Catalyn|Catalyn Haevin] of House [Haevin|Andor], Lord [Branlet|Branlet Gilyard] of House [Gilyard|Andor] and Lord [Conail|Conail Northan] of House [Northan|Andor] are all children; only [Conail|Conail Northan] is over sixteen. The sign of House [Haevin|Andor] is the Blue Bear. [Catalyn|Catalyn Haevin]'s guardian was her uncle Lord [Arendor|Arendor Haevin]. [Branlet|Branlet Gilyard]'s guardian was Lady [Mayv], but she was killed. [Perival|Perival Mantear]'s guardian is Lord [Willin], but he is bedridden. [Catalyn|Catalyn Haevin] is also advised by her aunt Lady [Evelle]. The four of them pledge their Houses to support [Elayne|Elayne Trakand]. [Catalyn|Catalyn Haevin] questions why [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] does not wear a sword. [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] quotes [Gareth Bryne] saying that a general's army is his sword. They want to know if [Reanne Corly] is [Aes Sedai], but [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] dodges the question. They brought over three thousand armsmen with them. The only one who seems to have much sense is [Perival|Perival Mantear]. After some conversation, servants come to escort the four to their quarters. [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] is proud of what she accomplished in the past week. Lady [Danine] of House [Candraed|Andor] could not make up her mind, but the other four were successes. None wanted to see [Arymilla|Arymilla Marne] on the throne. [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] is puzzled why [Reanne Corly] was so distracted. The high powered [channeling|True Source] has been going on for hours. [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] is disgusted. [Conail|Conail Northan] offered to fight a duel with [Arymilla|Arymilla Marne]'s champion like [Artur Hawkwing], though [Hawkwing|Artur Hawkwing] never did any such thing. [Aviendha] agrees that they are undependable children. [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] then says she became High Seat at fifteen when her father was killed. She successfully led her House against raiders from [Altara] and [Murandy]. [Rasoria|Rasoria Domanche] enters and announces that the First Maid[1] and the First Clerk[2] have come. \\ \\ More [Elayne POV] %% %%collapsebox-closed ! Notes (Possible Spoilers) [#1] [Reene Harfor] \\[#2] [Halwin Norry] %% ---- More [Category Chapters], [Lion Chapter Icon Usage|Lion Chapter Icon]