An [Aiel] [Maiden of the Spear]. She is held %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%% by [Melaine]. ! Physical Description She has deep blue eyes. ([TFoH,Ch5]) %%collapsebox-closed ! Chronology (Possible Spoilers) * Cowinde summons [Egwene|Egwene alVere] to the [Wise Ones|Aiel]. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tries to question her about her subservience, but Cowinde refuses to talk about it. ([TFoH,Ch5]) * Cowinde wakes [Egwene|Egwene alVere] before dawn so she can prepare to leave. ([TFoH,Ch7]) * Cowinde serves [Egwene|Egwene alVere] her supper in her tent. She alerts the [Wise Ones|Aiel] when she finds [Egwene|Egwene alVere] asleep. ([TFoH,Ch24]) * Cowinde brings [Egwene|Egwene alVere] her breakfast. [Melaine] sends her to do useless work in an effort to shame her into putting off the white. ([LoC,Ch15]) * Cowinde, [Doilan] and [Rodera] serve breakfast to the [Wise Ones|Aiel] in [Amys]' tent. ([LoC,Ch25]) * Before she leaves, [Egwene|Egwene alVere] wakes Cowinde before dawn giving her a note to take to [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] at [The Long Man]. ([LoC,Ch33]) %% ! Other References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In [The Fires of Heaven] ## [TFoH,Ch5] - Cowinde is %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%% to [Melaine]. %% ---- More [Category Characters|Category.Characters]