The Dragon's Peace is a peace treaty between all the nations, plus the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)], that is to govern them all after the [Last Battle|Creator]. ([AMoL,Ch5], [AMoL,Ch6])

! First Draft

* It locks the borders of all the nations to their current positions.
* It forbids countries attacking countries.
* It requires the opening of a great school in each capital, fully funded and accepting all who wish to learn.
* If a country is attacked or enters into a minor armed border dispute, then all other nations have an obligation to defend the country attacked.
* There are tariff restrictions to prevent the strangling of economies.
* There are barriers on marriages between rulers of nations unless the two lines of rule are clearly divided
* There are provisions for stripping the land of a lord who starts a conflict.

! First Amendments

* If the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] ruler does not sign the document, then the document is voided.
* The [Aiel], all but the [Shaido], are the enforcers of the peace and mediators of disputes between nations. Any nation can call upon them if they feel abused and the [Aiel] will provide redress. 
* The [Aiel] can hunt criminals across national boundaries.
* The [Aiel] are to be ''subject to''  the laws of the nations in which they reside at the time, but they are not ''subjects'' of that nation.
* The [Aiel] can call upon other nations to aid them in their enforcement if they decide that their own numbers will not be enough.

[Category Items]