Pronunciation: ee-LAIN trah-KAND [{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/elayne.wav'}] Daughter to Queen [Morgase|Morgase (Show)] and Daughter-Heir of [Andor]. Her sign is a gold lily. [{Image src='Ihvon (Show)/Ihvon.png' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Ihvon (Show)/Ihvon.png' width='150'}] %%collapsebox-closed ! Chronology (Possible Spoilers) * Elayne moves into a room next to [Egwene]’s, with furniture and pillows blocking [Egwene]’s door. A servant in deep red passes as Elayne asks [Egwene] to set down pillows, then requests to see [Egwene]’s room for design ideas. Mistaking [Egwene]’s tenure, she notes the [Two Rivers] stitching, smiles about living with novices despite being Daughter-Heir of [Andor], and hesitantly calls [Egwene] her subject, prompting an amused smile and introduction (Scene 12 - New Dormmate [Episode 202]) %% ! References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse %%hidden until you need it # In [Season XXX] ## [Episode YYY] - Description of reference here. %% %% Book Character: [Elayne Trakand]\\ IMDB: [Ceara Coveney|] %%cat-border [Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Show Characters] | [Category.Episode 202 Characters] %%