Pronunciation: ee-LY-ahs mah-CHEER-ah 
[{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/elyas.wav'}]

A [Wolfbrother|Wolf] traveling with [Perrin|Perrin (Show)]’s group, known for his connection to wolves.

[{Image src='Elyas (Show)/Elyas.png' height='150'}]

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

! Arad Doman

* [Perrin|Perrin (Show)], Lord [Ingtar|Ingtar (Show)], [Uno|Uno (Show)], [Masema|Masema (Show)] and the others meet with the tracker, Elyas, who is also a "sniffer" and has yellow eyes. [Ingtar|Ingtar (Show)] acknowledges Elyas. [Uno|Uno (Show)] tells Elyas to put out the fire before [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] sees it. Elyas say the fire is not his. He glances at [Perrin|Perrin (Show)] and then starts leading them down to the fire. ([Episode 201])
* The Hunters arrive at a campfire. Many [Tinkers] have been killed. [Perrin|Perrin (Show)]'s eyes turn golden and he sees a vision of [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] attacking a woman and little girl getting away. Elyas says there was a child that got away. ([Episode 201])
* [Uno|Uno (Show)] and the others are burying the dead, while Elyas buries the dog. ([Episode 201])
* Leading the Hunters for the [Horn] on foot while they ride through [Arad Doman], Elyas notes that the group they chase, including [Fain|Padan Fain (Show)], crossed a river clearing, with buildings visible beyond. Later, at a doorway, he remarks, "This is where it happened" as [Perrin|Perrin (Show)] and [Ingtar|Ingtar (Show)] find a family under attack by a man and a [Fade], and explains the difference between vision and reality, denying he caused it (Scene 7 - [Episode 202])
* At [Atuan's Mill|Atuans Mill] on [Toman Head], Elyas travels with the Hunters for the [Horn], opting to sleep under the stars instead of staying at the inn. As he parts with [Perrin|Perrin (Show)], he tells him that the [Shienar]ans are not his pack (Scene 15 - [Episode 202])


! References (Possible Spoilers)

%%hidden until you need it
# In [Season 1]
## [Episode 107] - [Lord Yakota|Yakota (Show)] greets [Lan|Lan (Show)] as "Dai Shan" and welcomes them on behalf of Lord Agelmar.

Book Character: [Elyas Machera]\\
IMDB: [Gary Beadle|]

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