Title: Lord Gann

A [Hunters of the Horn|Horn of Valere]. 

! Physical Description

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Lord [Orban], Lord Gann and their retainers happen upon two [Aiel], [Sarien] and [Gaul]. They kill [Sarien] and capture [Gaul], but take numerous wounds and lose several men. ([TDR,Ch34])
* At the [Wayland's Forge|Waylands Forge] in [Remen], Lord Gann is laid up with his injuries. ([TDR,Ch33])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Dragon Reborn]
## [TDR,Ch34] - [Orban] continues to brag about his and Gann's exploits.
## [TDR,Ch35] - [Orban] and Gann believe the [Horn of Valere] is in the [Forest of Shadows].
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