A creature something like a frog the size of a large bear. It has a sharp beak and three small eyes. %%ot Grolm%% riders are called %%ot morat'grolm%%.

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Great Hunt]
## [TGH,Ch16] - [Rand] saves [Selene|Lanfear] from a %%ot grolm%% by shooting it in the eye with an arrow. When [Rand] refuses to go the direction she wants, five more %%ot grolm%% attack.
## [TGH,Ch17] - [Rand] kills the five %%ot grolm%%, but a bunch more attack so they flee to the [Portal Stone].
## [TGH,Ch29] - [Bayle Domon] is astounded at the sight of %%ot grolm%% at [Falme].
## [TGH,Ch34] - [Padan Fain] has seen [Trollocs] and [Fades|Fade]. %%ot grolm%% do not bother him.
## [TGH,Ch45] - [Rand] and [Hurin] recognize the %%ot grolm%% guarding High Lord [Turak|Turak Aladon]'s house.
## [TGH,Ch47] - The [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] army pours out of [Falme] accompanied by %%ot [raken]%%, %%ot grolm%%, %%ot [corlm]%%, %%ot [torm]%% and %%ot [s'redit|elephants]%%.
# In [The Fires of Heaven]
## [TFoH,Ch47] - [Cerandin] says that some prefer %%ot [lopar]%% or %%ot grolm%% for battle but she thinks properly handled %%ot [s'redit|elephants]%% are better.
# In [The Path of Daggers]
## [TPoD,Ch24] - At the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] post east of [Ebou Dar] there are lots of %%ot [raken]%%, %%ot [morat'torm|torm]%% and ''morat'grolm'' on their mounts.
# In [Towers of Midnight]
## [ToM,Ch47] - [Tuon]'s brother [Halvate] enjoyed training wild %%ot grolm%% before he was assassinated.
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