The daughter of [Master|Master Grinwell (TV)] and [Mistress Grinwell|Mistress Grinwell (TV)].

[{Image src='Helga Grinwell (TV)/Helga.png' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Helga Grinwell (TV)/Helga.png' width='150'}]

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Helga gives [Mat|Mat (TV)] a loaf of bread from her mother for him, [Rand|Rand (TV)] and [Thom|Thom (TV)] for their work. ([Episode 104])
* [Thom|Thom (TV)] fights the [Fade] as [Rand|Rand (TV)] and [Mat|Mat (TV)] run outside. They see Helga Grinwell's body out there, but [Rand|Rand (TV)] urges [Mat|Mat (TV)] to continue on. They get on their horses and ride off, leaving the [Birgitte|Birgitte (TV)] doll behind. ([Episode 104])

! References (Possible Spoilers)

%%hidden until you need it
# In [Season XXX]
## [Episode YYY] - Description of reference here.

Book Character: N/A\\
IMDB: [Robyn Betteridge|]
More [TV Characters], [Category TV Character]