An [Emond's Field|Emonds Field] man. Hu and his brother [Tad|Tad Barran] are the stablemen at the [Winespring Inn].

! Physical Description

He is lanky. ([TSR,Ch44])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* When [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Tam|Tam alThor] arrive at the [Winespring Inn], Hu and [Tad|Tad Barran] take care of [Bela] and the wagon. ([TEotW,Ch2])
* [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Tam|Tam alThor] speak briefly with Hu and [Tad|tad] when they get [Bela] to return to the farm. ([TEotW,Ch4])
* [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] hears Hu and [Tad|Tad Barran] working in the stable as he and [Gaul] arrive at the [Winespring Inn]. ([TSR,Ch29])
* Hu and [Tad|Tad Barran] bring out [Stepper] and [Swallow] for [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] and [Faile|Zarine Bashere]. ([TSR,Ch44])
* Hu and [Tad|Tad Barran] participate in the defense of [Emond's Field|Emonds Field]. ([TSR,Ch56])
* [Jur Grady] opens a gateway from the [Two Rivers] and [Tam al'Thor|Tam alThor] leads a few thousand more [Two Rivers] archers to join [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] including Hu and [Tad Barran]. ([KoD,Ch29])
* Hu Barran and [Darl Coplin] stand guard when [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] inspects his camp. ([ToM,Ch10])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

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