One of the [Kin]. ! Physical Description She is youthful-looking with golden hair. ([AMoL,Prologue]) ! Chronology * Jesamyn attempts to [Heal|weaves] [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] but his wound from a [Thakan'dar] blade is beyond her skill. ([AMoL,Prologue]) ! Other References %%collapse # In [A Memory of Light] ## [AMoL,Ch1] - [Elayne] says that Jesamyn has not checked in from [Caemlyn]. [Guybon|Charlz Guybon] later reports that all the [Kin] but Jesamyn were killed in [Caemlyn]. %% %%cat-border [Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category Characters|Category.Characters] | [Category.J Characters] | [Category.AMoL Characters] | [Category.Kin Members] %%