A [soldier|AshaMan] [Asha'man]. He is from [Altara]. ! Physical Description He is an [Altara] with thick black eyebrows, in his mid twenties. ([ACoS,Ch7]) %%collapsebox-closed ! Chronology (Possible Spoilers) * Jonan Adley joins the others at the farm and learns to [channel|True Source]. [Taim|Mazrim Taim] teaches Jonan Adley, [Damer Flinn], [Jur Grady], [Eben Hopwil], [Fedwin Morr] and the other two recruits to blow up rocks and shield themselves. ([LoC,Ch11]) * At [Dumai's Wells|Dumais Wells] Adley is one of the nine [Asha'man] selected to accompany [Rand|Rand alThor] back to [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)]. ([ACoS,Ch2]) * Adley accompanies [Rand|Rand alThor] to [Caemlyn]. [Rand|Rand alThor] plans to take him to Lord [Semaradrid|Semaradrid Maravin] and High Lord [Weiramon|Weiramon Saniago] as a messenger. ([ACoS,Ch7]) * Adley and [Eben Hopwil] reach the hillforts with High Lord [Weiramon|Weiramon Saniago] and begin attacking. [Sammael] shows up and begins to counterattack. Adley [Travels|Weaves] to [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)] to report to [Rand|Rand alThor], the accompanies [Rand|Rand alThor] on the strike at [Illian|Illian (Country)]. ([ACoS,Ch41]) * [Rand|Rand alThor] sends Adley to [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)] with a message for [Min|Min Farshaw]. ([TPoD,Ch27]) * Adley and the other [Asha'man] accompany [Rand|Rand alThor] as he [Travels|Weaves] to [Illian|Illian (City)]. ([TPoD,Ch21]) * [Gedwyn|Charl Gedwyn] and [Rochaid|Manel Rochaid] lead the [Asha'man] including Adley as they [Travel|Weaves] with [Rand|Rand alThor] to [Altara]. ([TPoD,Ch22]) * After the first skirmish with the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)], [Flinn|Damer Flinn], Adley, [Morr|Fedwin Morr] and [Hopwil|Eben Hopwil] [Heal|Weaves] the wounded. ([TPoD,Ch23]) * Adley and seven other [Asha'man] hold gateways as [Rand|Rand alThor]'s army pours through, preparing for the final battle with the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)]. During the battle Adley loses control of %%ot [saidin|Said]%% killing a bunch of [Ailil|Ailil Riatin]'s and [Anaiyella|Anaiyella Narencelona]'s men. Adley is killed when [Rand|Rand alThor] loses control of %%ot [Callandor]%%. ([TPoD,Ch24]) %% ! Other References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In [The Path of Daggers] ## [TPoD,Ch27] - [Rand|Rand alThor] tells [Min|Min Farshaw] that he killed Adley. %% ---- More [Category Characters|Category.Characters], [Category Asha'man|Category.AshaMan]