.columns {
  counter-reset: mycounter
.columns ol {
  list-style: none;
.columns ol li:before {
  counter-increment: mycounter;
  content: counter(mycounter) ". ";

| [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_lft.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Crossroads of Twilight'}] 
| [{Image src='Main/kod.jpg' width='100'}] 
| ''__Knife of Dreams__'' is a  [fantasy|Wikipedia:Fantasy_literature]  novel by  [American|Wikipedia:United_States]  author  [Robert Jordan|Wikipedia:Robert_Jordan], the eleventh book in his series ''The Wheel of Time''. It was the last book which Jordan wrote completely before his death in 2007, with  [Brandon Sanderson|Wikipedia:Brandon_Sanderson]  finishing the series afterwards based on Jordan's notes. It was published by  [Tor Books|Wikipedia:Tor_Books]  in the U.S. and  [Orbit|Wikipedia:Orbit]  in the UK and released on October 11, 2005 ([Wikipedia|https://en.wikipedia.org]) 
| [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_rgt.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=The Gathering Storm' align='right'}]


! Chapters

* PROLOGUE: [Embers Falling on Dry Grass|KoD,Prologue]
# [When Last Sounds|KoD,Ch1]
# [The Dark One's Touch|KoD,Ch2]
# [At the Gardens|KoD,Ch3]
# [A Deal|KoD,Ch4]
# [Something . . . Strange|KoD,Ch5]
# [A Stave and a Razor|KoD,Ch6]
# [A Cold Medallion|KoD,Ch7]
# [Dragons' Eggs|KoD,Ch8]
# [A Short Path|KoD,Ch9]
# [A Village in Shiota|KoD,Ch10]
# [A Hell in Maderin|KoD,Ch11]
# [A Manufactory|KoD,Ch12]
# [Siege|KoD,Ch13]
# [Wet Things|KoD,Ch14]
# [A Different Skill|KoD,Ch15]
# [The New Follower|KoD,Ch16]
# [A Bronze Bear|KoD,Ch17]
# [News for the Dragon|KoD,Ch18]
# [Vows|KoD,Ch19]
# [The Golden Crane|KoD,Ch20]
# [Within the Stone|KoD,Ch21]
# [To Make an Anchor Weep|KoD,Ch22]
# [Call to a Sitting|KoD,Ch23]
# [Honey in the Tea|KoD,Ch24]
# [Attending Elaida|KoD,Ch25]
# [As If the World Were Fog|KoD,Ch26]
# [A Plain Wooden Box|KoD,Ch27]
# [In Malden|KoD,Ch28]
# [The Last Knot|KoD,Ch29]
# [Outside the Gates|KoD,Ch30]
# [The House on Full Moon Street|KoD,Ch31]
# [To Keep the Bargain|KoD,Ch32]
# [Nine Out of Ten|KoD,Ch33]
# [A Cup of ''Kaf''|KoD,Ch34]
# [The Importance of Dyelin|KoD,Ch35]
# [Under an Oak|KoD,Ch36]
# [Prince of the Ravens|KoD,Ch37]
* [EPILOGUE: Remember the Old Saying|KoD,Epilogue]

! Icons

[{ReferringPagesPlugin page='Category KoD Chapter Icon' before='#' after='\n'}]

! Plot Threads

[{ImageMapPlus image='kod_threads.gif'


The numbers represent the chapters.
| __%%(color:blue; background-color:#D3D3D3) Blue %%__       | [Perrin] and [Faile|Zarine Bashere]
| __%%(color:red; background-color:#D3D3D3) Red %%__         | [Elayne] in [Caemlyn]
| __%%(color:black; background-color:#D3D3D3) Black %%__     | [Rand]
| __%%(color:green; background-color:#D3D3D3) Green %%__     | [Mat], [Tuon] and the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)]
| __%%(color:orange; background-color:#D3D3D3) Orange %%__   | [Egwene], the [White Tower] and the [Black Tower]
| __%%(color:yellow; background-color:#D3D3D3) Yellow %%__   | The [Salidar Aes Sedai]
| __%%(color:cyan; background-color:#D3D3D3) Cyan %%__       | The [Forsaken]
| __%%(color:magenta; background-color:#D3D3D3) Magenta %%__ | The [Sea Folk]

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