[{Table style='width:100%' | [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_lft.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=KoD,Ch22'}] | %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/snake_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Snake Chapter Icon'}] ''[KoD|Knife of Dreams]: Call to a Sitting'' %% | [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_rgt.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=KoD,Ch24' align='right'}] }] %%tabs ! __Romanda Cassin__ POV [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] is in the tent she shares with [Magla|Magla Daronos] and [Salita|Salita Toranes], reading about [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] and [Gaidal Cain] in ''The Flame, the Blade and the Heart''. She grew up in [Far Madding]. The weaves of [Keeping|Weaves#k] that [Egwene|Egwene alVere] discovered are failing.[1] [Bodewhin Cauthon] straightens the tent for the other two; [Aelmara] is [Romanda|Romanda Cassin]'s personal servant. She shares her tent in order to keep an eye on the two other [Sitters] for the [Yellow|Yellow Ajah]. They follow her lead far too seldom. [Magla|Magla Daronos] insisted on [Salita|Salita Toranes] as the new [Sitter|Sitters] for the [Yellow|Yellow Ajah] but [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] does not understand why.[2] She wanted [Dagdara|Dagdara Finchey] but gave in so she would be elected First Weaver, her position before she retired. [Nisao|Nisao Dachen] enters, leaving [Sarin Hoigan] to stand guard outside, and [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] sends [Bodewhin|Bodewhin Cauthon] to her classes. [Varilin] still leads the daily negotiations with [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan]'s embassy in [Darein] with [Magla|Magla Daronos], [Saroiya], [Takima] and [Faiselle]. [Nisao|Nisao Dachen] wards against eavesdropping then asks [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] to intercede with [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi]. [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi] ordered her to stop inquiring into the murders of [Anaiya] and [Kairen|Kairen Stang] as she was doing under [Egwene|Egwene alVere]'s command. [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] is only now realizing [Egwene|Egwene alVere]'s strength of leadership. [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] agrees to intercede. All that [Nisao|Nisao Dachen] learned so far is that they were both close friends with [Cabriana Mecandes].[3] [Theodrin|Theodrin Dabei] arrives as [Nisao|Nisao Dachen] leaves. [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] took her in because the [Brown Ajah] did not really support her.[4] She announces that [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi] called a Sitting of the [Hall|Sitters]. [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] heads to the [Hall|Sitters] alone as she has no [Warder|Warder]. She sees [Gareth Bryne] escorting [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] to the [Blue Ajah] area of the camp. She hears a gong that signifies change of classes for the [novices]. [Sharina Melloy] has reorganized the whole [novice|novices] structure without even asking [Tiana|Tiana Noselle]. Ahead she sees [Sharina|Sharina Melloy] talking to [Tiana|Tiana Noselle]. As [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] approaches, [Sharina|Sharina Melloy] curtsies and leaves. [Tiana|Tiana Noselle] tells her that [Sharina|Sharina Melloy] and many others including a [Murandian|Murandy] noble[5] are learning [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]'s new [Healing|Weaves#h]. [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] is appalled that [novices] are allowed to learn [Healing|Weaves#h], normally reserved for [Aes Sedai], but [Tiana|Tiana Noselle] defends herself. [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] sees [Delana|Delana Mosalaine] heading the same direction with [Halima|AranGar] lecturing her. She thinks they are pillow-friends. Fortunately for [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] the new style of [Healing|Weaves#h] is different enough so that it is not subject to the second-learned weave limitation.[6] [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] arrives at the [Hall|Sitters] pavilion where a crowd is already gathered. [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] is there. It is embarrassing as the [Keeper|Aes Sedai] is only allowed in the [Hall|Sitters] if the [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai] is present. [Delana|Delana Mosalaine], [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi], [Moria|Moria Karentanis] and [Janya|Janya Frende] are already there. [Malind|Malind Nachenin] and [Faiselle] discuss how they finally coerced [Myrelle|Myrelle Berengari] into bonding [Llyw|llyw]. After [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] seats herself [Kwamesa] arrives, then [Salita|Salita Toranes] followed by [Lyrelle|Lyrelle Arienwin], [Saroiya], [Aledrin], [Samalin], [Faiselle], [Malind|Malind Nachenin], [Escaralde]. [Varilin] is still in [Darein] but they have more than eleven so they may begin. [Aledrin] makes them private. At [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi]'s request [Moria|Moria Karentanis] goes across the street to the [Blue Ajah] quarters and returns with [Merise Haindehl], [Jahar Narishma] and her other two [Warder].[7] The [Sitters] recognize him as an [Asha'man]. [Malind|Malind Nachenin] rushes away. [Merise|Merise Haindehl] announces that the [Dragon Reborn|Rand alThor] asked [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] to send her. [Jahar|Jahar Narishma] asks for [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] says she is unavailable. [Jahar|Jahar Narishma] is suddenly furious; a man just tried to listen in. [Aledrin] agrees that something touched her ward. [Delana|Delana Mosalaine] gets up and runs. [Malind|Malind Nachenin] returns with [Nacelle|Nacelle Kayama] of the [Green Ajah]. She weaves all five Powers around him, something akin to detecting residues. She excitedly announces that he is holding %%ot [saidin|Said]%%. On request, he channels [Spirit|One Power] toward [Saroiya] and [Nacelle|Nacelle Kayama] can detect it. [Nacelle|Nacelle Kayama] then leaves. [Jahar|Jahar Narishma] announces that any sister faithful to [Egwene al'Vere|Egwene alVere] may bond an [Asha'man] [soldier|AshaMan] or [Dedicated|AshaMan], to a total of forty-seven. [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] likes the idea but [Faiselle] and [Saroiya] are adamantly opposed. [Jahar|Jahar Narishma] announces that the taint is gone and [Merise|Merise Haindehl] confirms. All but [Faiselle] and [Saroiya] vote to accept the offer so they have the lesser consensus. Forty-seven balances the sisters bonded by [Asha'man].[8] He explains that [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] sent them against the [Black Tower] so [Taim|Mazrim Taim] ordered them captured and bonded. He then tells them of a fifth, [Eben Hopwil] who was killed by female [Forsaken] channeling %%ot [saidin|Said]%% while [linked|Linking] with [Daigian|Daigian Moseneillin] and [Beldeine|Beldeine Nyram]. He died defending his [Aes Sedai]. [Escaralde] offers her sympathies. [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] remembers where she heard of [Cabriana Mecandes][3] and announces that they must order the arrest of [Delana|Delana Mosalaine] and [Halima|AranGar] immediately. They are already gone, last seen with [Delana|Delana Mosalaine] and her serving woman[9] carrying bundles toward the [Traveling|Weaves] ground. \\ \\ More [Romanda Cassin POV] %% %%collapsebox-closed ! Notes (Possible Spoilers) [#1] More evidence of [Tarmon Gai'don|Creator] approaching \\[#2] We finally learn why in [TGS,Ch43]. \\[#3] As was disclosed in [NS,Ch12]. Their knowledge of [Cabriana|Cabriana Mecandes] was a threat to [Halima|AranGar]'s identity. At the end, [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] remembers that [Halima|AranGar] also claimed to be a friend of [Cabriana|Cabriana Mecandes]. \\[#4] So [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] is not as canny as [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi] in deducing [Theodrin|Theodrin Dabei]'s motivation. \\[#5] Most likely [Jennet|Jennet (Murandy)]. ([TPoD,Ch18]) \\[#6] [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] first mentions this limitation in [TPoD,Ch12] and we have also seen this effect, e.g., [Aviendha]'s difficulty relearning to weave a gateway. ([TPoD,Ch1]) \\[#7] [Bassane] and [Nethan] \\[#8] That implies that four [Asha'man] are bonded by [Aes Sedai]. They are [Jahar|Jahar Narishma], [Damer Flinn] ([WH,Ch25]) [Karldin Manfor] ([KoD,Ch27]) and [Naeff]. ([TGS,Ch31]) \\[#9] [Miesa] %% ---- More [Category Chapters|Category.Chapters], [Snake Chapter Icon]