An [Aes Sedai] during the [Age of Legends] ([SaSG|The Strike at Shayol Ghul]) [{Image src='Latra Posae Decume (Show)/Latra.png' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Latra Posae Decume (Show)/Latra.png' width='150'}] %%collapsebox-closed ! Chronology (Possible Spoilers) * [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon (Show)] and Latra Posae Decume are having a sometimes heated discussion about caging the [Dark One|ShaiTan]. ([Episode 108]) %% ! References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse %%hidden until you need it # In [Season XXX] ## [Episode YYY] - Description of reference here. %% %% Book Character: [Latra Posae Decume]\\ IMDB: [Katie Brayben|] %%cat-border [Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Show Characters] %%