One of the twelve [Aiel] warrior societies. All members of the Maidens are female. %%ot [Far Dareis Mai|Compleat] %% in the [Old Tongue]. [{Image src='Maidens of the Spear/far2a.jpg' link=''}] %%ot Far Dareis Mai%% by [Richard Boyé|] Pronunciation: FAHR DAH-rize MY [{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/maidens.wav'}] ! Handtalk The Maidens have developed a language of their own which uses only their hands, a sign language. No one outside of the Maidens is supposed to know it, however, [Faile] has been taught some by [Bain] and [Chiad]. Per Robert Jordan, handtalk consists of finger spelling along with gestures that signify words and even complete phrases. ! Members %%columns * [Adelin] * [Agirin] ([Shelan] sept of the [Daryne]) * [Aviendha] (becoming a [Wise One|Aiel]) * [Bain] * [Beralna] * [Carahuin] * [Careen] * [Chiad] * [Chuonde] ([Spine Ridge] sept of the [Miagoma]) * [Corana] * [Dagendra] * [Dailin (Wise One)] * [Dailin (Maiden)] * [Desora] * [Efalin] ([Shaido]) * [Enaila] * [Isan] ([Jarra (Sept)] sept of the [Chareen]) * [Jalani] * [Jendhilin] ---- * [Jolien] * [Lerian] * [Liah] ([Cosaida] sept of the [Chareen]) * [Maira] * [Marthea] ([Shaido]) * [Morin] * [Naeise] ([Moshaine] sept of the [Shaido]) * [Nandera] * [Nerilea] * [Rhian] * [Riallin] * [Rodera] (a [Shaido] taken %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%%) * [Sefela] * [Somara] * [Sulin] * [Suraile] * [Surial] %% ! References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In [The Eye of the World] ## [TEotW,Ch25] - Female [Aiel] warriors are called Maidens of the Spear, %%ot Far Dareis Mai%% in the [Old Tongue]. # In [The Dragon Reborn] ## [TDR,Ch38] - [Aviendha], [Bain], [Chiad], [Jolien] and [Dailin|Dailin (Maiden)] are Maidens of the Spear. # In [The Shadow Rising] ## [TSR,Ch22] - When [Rand] and the [Aiel] leave [Tear|Tear (City)], [Rhuarc] orders six of the [Aiel] societies, [Red Shields], [Brothers of the Eagle], [Water Seekers], Maidens of the Spear, [Black Eyes] and [Thunder Walkers], to spread out to look for the [Portal Stone]. ## [TSR,Ch23] - Maidens and [Stone Dogs] are especially touchy about %%ot [ji'e'toh|Aiel]%%. ## [TSR,Ch25] - [Morin] becomes the first Maiden of the Spear when she gives up the Way of the Leaf to help rescue her daughter, [Kirin]. ## [TSR,Ch36] - As the [Aiel] leave [Chaendaer], Maidens scout ahead while [Stone Dogs] guard the rear. ## [TSR,Ch57] - Maidens of the Spear accompany [Rand] for his honor. He has no Society, but he was born of a Maiden so they ask for the job. # In [The Fires of Heaven] ## [TFoH,Ch21] - When men are taken %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%% by Maidens they teach the man to sing to entertain them. When a man behaves foolishly toward a Maiden they taunt him saying they will teach him to sing. ## [TFoH,Ch54] - Members of every society including Maidens of the Spear accompany [Rand] to [Caemlyn]. # In [Lord of Chaos] ## [LoC,Ch21] - Speaking to %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%% as a Maiden, e.g., using handtalk, is a serious insult and incurs great %%ot [toh|Aiel]%%. ## [LoC,Ch28] - Only [Stone Dogs] and [Black Eyes] are as touchy about %%ot [ji'e'toh|Aiel]%% as the Maidens. # In [The Path of Daggers] ## [TPoD,Ch11] - Putting prisoners to the question is usually done by Maidens or [Black Eyes]. # In [The Gathering Storm] ## [TGS,Ch3] - Maidens and [True Bloods] scout [Domani|Arad Doman] refugees near [Rand]'s headquarters in [Arad Doman]. %% %%cat-border Categories: [Category Aiel Societies|Category.Aiel Societies] %%