Presented by the University of Collam Daan. [{Table | [{Image src='Main/teotw.jpg' width='100' link='The Eye of the World'}] | [{Image src='Main/tgh.jpg' width='100' link='The Great Hunt'}] | [{Image src='Main/tdr.jpg' width='100' link='The Dragon Reborn'}] | [{Image src='Main/tsr.jpg' width='100' link='The Shadow Rising'}] | [{Image src='Main/tfoh.jpg' width='100' link='The Fires of Heaven'}] | [{Image src='Main/loc.jpg' width='100' link='Lord of Chaos'}] | [{Image src='Main/acos.jpg' width='100' link='A Crown of Swords'}] | [{Image src='Main/tpod.jpg' width='100'}] | [{Image src='Main/wh.jpg' width='100'}] | [{Image src='Main/cot.jpg' width='100'}] | [{Image src='Main/kod.jpg' width='100'}] | [{Image src='Main/tgs.jpg' width='100'}] | [{Image src='Main/tom.jpg' width='100'}] | [{Image src='Main/amol.jpg' width='100'}] }]