Title: Lady Negara An [Andoran|Andor] noblewoman. ! Physical Description She is sharp-faced. ([TPoD,Ch18]) %%collapsebox-closed ! Chronology (Possible Spoilers) * Several [Andoran|Andor] nobles who opposed [Gaebril|Rahvin] return to [Caemlyn]. They include Lady [Arathelle|Arathelle Renshar], Lord [Barel|Barel Layden], Lord [Macharan], Lady Negara, Lady [Sergase|Sergase Gilbearn], Lady [Aemlyn|Aemlyn Carand] and Lord [Culhan|Culhan Carand]. ([LoC,Ch28]) * Lady Negara asks [Egwene|Egwene alVere] if she really means that the novice book is open to women of all ages. ([TPoD,Ch18]) %% ! Other References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse %% ---- More [Category Characters|Category.Characters]