Title: Lady Nisura Pronunciation: nih-SOO-rah [{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/nisura.wav'}] A [Shienaran|Shienar] noblewoman and one of Lady [Amalisa|Amalisa Jagad]'s attendants. ([The Great Hunt],Glossary) ! Physical Description She is round-faced. ([TGH,Ch8]) %%collapsebox-closed ! Chronology (Possible Spoilers) * Lady Nisura conducts [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] through the women's quarters to the [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai]'s audience. Later, she comes for [Egwene|Egwene alVere] telling her that [Rand|Rand alThor] wants to see her. ([TGH,Ch8]) %% ! Other References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse %% ---- More [Category Characters|Category.Characters]