__Channeling:__ # (verb) To control the flow of the One Power ([The Eye of the World],Glossary) # (noun) The act of controlling the flow of the One Power. ([The Eye of the World],Glossary) The One Power comes from the True Source, the driving force of Creation. The male half of the True Source, %%ot saidin%%, and the female half, %%ot saidar%%, work against each other and with each other to provide the force that turns the Wheel of Time. The True Source cannot be used up just as a river cannot be used up by a mill wheel. ([TEotW,Ch12]) Only two to three percent of the population have the ability to learn to channel. Only a small fraction of those will ever channel without training. Of those who do begin channeling on their own, most will die without training. ([Guide]) In the [Age of Legends] about 3% of the population had the ability to learn to channel. In the current Age that is down to about 1%. ([Tor Website Q&A|Guide]) Men with the spark inborn develop the ability later than women, often after they are twenty. ([LoC,Ch28]) Men grow strong in the One Power faster than women. ([ACoS,Ch7]) Even after being raised to the shawl, [Aes Sedai] may take another five years before they reach their full strength. ([NS,Ch17]) Excessive luck and sudden unexpected rises in prominence can be early indicators of the ability to channel in men. ([NS,Epilogue]) Men can only weakly detect other men holding %%ot [saidin|Said]%%. ([TFoH,Prologue]) The female [Forsaken] know how to mask their ability to channel so that [Aes Sedai] cannot detect them. ([ACoS,Prologue]) When channelers (men or women) hold the One Power it blurs the images that [Min] sees. When they actually channel it's even worse. ([ACoS,Ch2]) Channelers slow. Between the ages of twenty and twenty-five they begin aging more slowly. ([ACoS,Ch24]) Some animals can sense the ability to channel. Cats are attracted to [Aes Sedai] while dogs react with fear or aggression. The opposite is true for [Asha'man]. ([TEotW,Ch41], [LoC,Ch46], [WH,Prologue]) The second-learned weave limitation - once a weave is learned to perform a task it is very difficult to learn a second method of doing the same thing. ! Relative Strengths Ryans Bettens has a [One Power Model v1.1|http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~bettens/RJ/OP_modelv11.html] with a detailed analysis of relative strengths of characters, though it is only current through Lord of Chaos. Dave Rothgary and Karl-Johan Norén also have a [Tentative Listing of OP Strength|http://hem3.passagen.se/kjnoren/jordan/op-strength.html]. ! Five Powers %%quote "There are threads to the One Power, and each person who can channel the One Power can usually grasp some threads better than others. These threads are named according to the sort of things that can be done using them - Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit - and are called the Five Powers....While Spirit was found equally in men and in women, great ability with Earth and/or Fire was found much more often among men, with Water and/or Air among women." ([The Eye of the World],Glossary) %% %%quote "To the channeler, the flows seem to originate in his or her very immediate vicinity, not to emanate from themselves, although to another channeler, those flows do seem to be emanating from the channeler. The latter is the actual case, as the One Power is passing through the channeler, one of the reasons for individual limits on how much of the Power a particular person can handle. (And you have seen characters react as if to a blow from having a flow snapped or cut.)\\ A channeler sees the flows as colored very faintly, according to which of the Five Powers is involved (red = Fire, Blue = Water, green = Earth, yellow = Air, white = Spirit), although the "feel" of the flows are also different to a channeler, so that a channeler can tell one from another without actually seeing them. (That is how someone can tell that somebody else has channeled, say, Fire and Earth, in their vicinity without seeing the flows.) It isn't a physical feel; you might almost as well say that they have different flavors. They appear to be smooth and nearly transparent, tinged with color." ([Tor Website Q&A|Guide]) %% ! References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In [New Spring] ## [NS,Ch2] - When [Gitara|Gitara Moroso] collapses, [Tamra|Tamra Ospenya] [Delves|Weaves#d] her with Air, Water and Spirit. ## [NS,Ch5] - In the noisy camp [Siuan] amplifies her voice with Air and Fire to quiet the crowd. ## [NS,Ch6] - [Moiraine] weaves Air, Water and Earth to remove an ink stain from her dress. ## [NS,Ch11] - [Moiraine] touches the [Oath Rod] with Spirit as [Moiraine] speaks the Three Oaths. ## [NS,Ch14] - [Ryma Galfrey] weaves Air and Fire to amplify her voice when she announces the death of [Tamra Ospenya]. ## [NS,Ch19] - [Moiraine] weaves a ward of Spirit around [Lan], [Ryne Venamar] and [Bukama Marenellin] so she will know if they move during the night. ## [NS,Ch19] - With a weave of Air, Water and a touch of Earth [Moiraine] raises a cylinder of water from a lake and drops it on [Lan]. ## [NS,Ch23] - [Moiraine] uses a secret [Blue Ajah] weave of Spirit to induce fear in an attacker. ## [NS,Ch26] - [Moiraine] severs [Merean Redhill]'s attack with a weave of Air and Fire. ## [NS,Ch26] - [Moiraine] [Heals|Weaves#h] [Lan] with a weave of Spirit, Air and Water. ## [NS,Epilogue] - [Moiraine] bonds [Lan] as her [Warder|Warder] with an intricate weave of Spirit. # In [The Eye of the World] ## [TEotW,Ch18] - [Moiraine] uses Earth and Fire to cause and earthquake and wall of fire. ## [TEotW,Ch18] - [Moiraine] uses Air, Earth and Spirit to lay a false trail that fools the [Trollocs] and [Fades|Fade]. ## [TEotW,Ch21] - Listening to the Wind uses Air and Water. ## [TEotW,Ch51] - [Rand] fights [Ba'alzamon|Ishamael] with a sword of Air and Fire. # In [The Great Hunt] ## [TGH,Ch18] - [Siuan] makes a sword of Air. She then binds [Egwene] and [Nynaeve] with Air. ## [TGH,Ch42] - [Egwene] is unusually strong with Earth. # In [The Dragon Reborn] ## [TDR,Ch6] - Those particularly strong in Spirit can force their dreams on others as [Rand] does. ## [TDR,Ch15] - [Nynaeve] uses Air to bind the [Gray Man] that shot at them. [Sheriam Bayanar] then uses Air to hide the body with an opaque dome. ## [TDR,Ch15] - Healing uses Spirit, Air and Water. ## [TDR,Ch26] - When the girls encounter a locked door, [Egwene] weakens the chain with Earth then [Nynaeve] breaks it with a prybar of Air. ## [TDR,Ch27] - The barrier around %%ot [Callandor]%% is half %%ot saidin%%, half %%ot saidar%%ot. The %%ot saidar%% part is made of Air, Fire and Spirit. ## [TDR,Ch38] - [Egwene] prepares to weave lightning with Air and Fire. ## [TDR,Ch38] - [Nynaeve] uses a very complex weave for Healing. ## [TDR,Ch48] - In the building of the [Stone of Tear], Earth was used to draw stone from the ground then Air to bring the stone to one place. Earth and Fire made it all one piece. ## [TDR,Ch51] - [Liandrin] and [Nynaeve] beat [Nynaeve] into submission with Air. ## [TDR,Ch53] - The [hedgehog] %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%% uses pure Spirit. ## [TDR,Ch53] - The Talent of Dreaming is a thing of Spirit. ## [TDR,Ch54] - [Egwene] shields [Joiya|Joiya Byir] the True Source with a weave of Spirit. # In [The Shadow Rising] ## [TSR,Ch10] - [Rand] destroys all the [Shadowspawn] in the [Stone of Tear] with a complex weave of Air, Fire and Spirit. ## [TSR,Ch20] - [Windfinders|Sea Folk] are experts at Air and Water. ## [TSR,Ch54] - [Moghedien] attempts to Compel [Nynaeve] with a weave of Spirit streaked with Water and Air. They attempt to shield and still each other with weaves of Spirit. ## [TSR,Ch54] - [Moghedien] disguised the [seal|Seals] as a small figurine with a weave of Air and Fire. # In [The Fires of Heaven] ## [TFoH,Prologue] - [Rahvin] Compels his servants with weaves of Spirit. ## [TFoH,Ch3] - [Rand] weaves a shield of Spirit and Fire to prevent [Asmodean] from leaving the room. ## [TFoH,Ch4] - [Rand] shields his dreams with a weave of Spirit. ## [TFoH,Ch31] - [Rand] heats the interior of his igloo with a weave of Air and Fire that [Asmodean] taught him. ## [TFoH,Ch35] - [Nynaeve] tries to [Heal|Weaves#h] [Birgitte] with a complex weave of Spirit, Water, Air, Earth and Fire. ## [TFoH,Ch48] - The [iron disc] and [amber plaque] require Spirit. ## [TFoH,Ch52] - [Rand] cuts [Lanfear]'s weave with Spirit woven with Fire and Earth. ## [TFoH,Ch54] - [Rand] counters [Rahvin]'s lightning of Fire and Air with a shield of the same. # In [Lord of Chaos] ## [LoC,Ch6] - [Semirhage] strips her victim's clothes with Fire and Air and pulverizes them with Fire and Earth. She then uses Spirit and Fire to stimulate the pain centers. ## [LoC,Ch6] - Air is sometimes referred to as Wind. ## [LoC,Ch10] - [Alanna Mosvani] weaves [Illusion|Weaves#i] with Air and Fire making herself appear as a giant. ## [LoC,Ch11] - [Rand] teaches [Rand]'s recruits to blow up rocks with Fire and Earth. ## [LoC,Ch12] - The [Aes Sedai] shield the [Little Tower|Salidar] against eavesdropping with a ward woven of Fire and Air with touches of Water. ## [LoC,Ch15] - Before making a speech, [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] amplifies her voice with Air. ## [LoC,Ch21] - [Rand] weaves trap around the [Shadar Logoth|Aridhol (City)] [Waygate|Ways] using all five Powers. ## [LoC,Ch25] - [Egwene] eavesdrops on the palace with a weave of mostly Air with a little Fire. ## [LoC,Ch28] - [Rand] makes a globe of light with Fire and Air. ## [LoC,Ch29] - [Nynaeve] probes [Logain Ablar] with all five Powers, then [Heals|Weaves#h] him with Fire and Spirit. ## [LoC,Ch30] - [Nynaeve] [Heals|Weaves#h] [Siuan] and [Leane|Leane Sharif] with Fire and Spirit and notes that it feels different. ## [LoC,Ch34] - [Egwene] weaves Spirit to open a gateway into %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. ## [LoC,Ch37] - [Egwene] weaves Spirit to open a gateway into the [Aiel Waste]. ## [LoC,Ch49] - [Rand] weaves Spirit, Fire and Earth and breaks through the [Aes Sedai]'s [Illusion|Weaves#i]. ## [LoC,Ch52] - [Elayne] disguises herself with a complicated weave of Air and Fire, then masked her ability to channel with an even more complex weave of Spirit. ## [LoC,Ch52] - [Myrelle Berengari] uses Spirit on her bond to [Lan] to make him come to her. ## [LoC,Ch55] - [Rand] breaks the shield on him, crushing the connections to the three [Aes Sedai] with Spirit. The three [Aes Sedai] are [stilled|Stilling]. ## [LoC,Ch55] - The [Asha'man] use Earth and Fire to explode the ground under the [Shaido]. # In [A Crown of Swords] ## [ACoS,Ch10] - [Aes Sedai] shield their dreams with Spirit. ## [ACoS,Ch20] - The [call box] is activated by channeling Fire. It automatically draws Earth, Air and Spirit. ## [ACoS,Ch24] - [Nynaeve] [Delves|Weaves#d] [Elayne] with a simple weave of all five Powers. She is too woozy to use her self-taught [Healing|Weaves#h] that uses all five so she [Heals|Weaves#h] [Elayne] with a conventional weave of Spirit, Wind and Water. ## [ACoS,Ch34] - [Rand] makes a bridge from the boat to the [Sea Folk] ship from Air laced with Fire. ## [ACoS,Ch40] - The [binder|Oath Rod] is activated by channeling Spirit into the number at the end. ## [ACoS,Ch41] - [Dashiva|OsanGar] gets angry at the [Wise Ones|Aiel] and [Aes Sedai] and prepares complex weaves of Fire and Spirit for pain. ## [ACoS,Ch41] - [Rand] announces himself with a voice amplified by Air and Fire. ## [ACoS,Ch41] - [Sammael] blows up a tower with Fire and Earth then fires laser-like wires of Fire and Air. # In [The Path of Daggers] ## [TPoD,Prologue] - [Verin]'s [Compulsion|Weaves#co] is predominantly Spirit but has Wind and Water, Fire and Earth as well. ## [TPoD,Ch5] - The [Bowl of the Winds] draws all five Powers. ## [TPoD,Ch13] - [Rand] amplifies his voice with Air and Fire. ## [TPoD,Ch20] - Spirit is the safest Power for testing unknown %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%. ## [TPoD,Ch20] - Fire activates the [metal helmet] and the [red rod]. ## [TPoD,Ch24] - Using %%ot [Callandor]%%, [Rand] channels Wind, Water and Fire and lightning destroys the entire area. ## [TPoD,Ch29] - [Rand] weaves [Folded Light|Weaves#fo] from Fire and Air rendering himself invisible. ## [TPoD,Ch29] - When [Dashiva|OsanGar] throws fireballs at [Rand], he weaves an impenetrable cocoon from Air, Fire and Earth. He then weaves Fire and Air to shoot laser wires back at his attackers. # In [Crossroads of Twilight] ## [CoT,Ch14] - [Monaelle] teaches [Sumeko Karistovan] [Caressing the Child|Weaves#ca], weaving Spirit, Fire and Earth. ## [CoT,Ch17] - With hints from [Moghedien], [Egwene] rediscovers the weave for making %%ot [cuendillar]%%. It uses Earth, Air and Fire. ## [CoT,Ch21] - The [tiny red rod] that acts as a signal device is activated by Fire and Earth. ## [CoT,Ch30] - [Egwene] weaves Earth, Air and Fire, then touches the chain across [Northharbor|Tar Valon] with Earth and Fire to turn it into %%ot [cuendillar]%%. # In [Knife of Dreams] ## [KoD,Ch1] - [Siuan] weaves Earth, Fire and Air to remove the blacking from [Gareth Bryne]'s boots. ## [KoD,Ch1] - [Siuan] weaves Spirit to hide her ability to channel. ## [KoD,Ch1] - [Siuan] weaves Air and a hint of Fire to eavesdrop. ## [KoD,Ch13] - [Aviendha] weaves Air, Fire, Water and Earth to disperse the mysterious storm that appears over [Caemlyn]. ## [KoD,Ch15] - [Aviendha] activates the [two foot statue] library with Fire and Earth. ## [KoD,Ch16] - [Elayne] weaves Fire, Air and a trace of Water to ward against eavesdropping. ## [KoD,Ch16] - [Elayne] weaves Spirit to lay a Finder on [Samwil Hark]. ## [KoD,Ch19] - [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon] weaves Earth, Air and Fire for [Blossoms of Fire|Weaves#bf], Spirit, Fire and Earth for [Deathgates|Weaves#dg] and Fire and Earth for [Arrows of Fire|Weaves#af]. ## [KoD,Ch20] - The [Asha'man] and [Aes Sedai] link and weave pure Fire to incinerate the [Shadowspawn] carcasses. ## [KoD,Ch21] - [Rand] weaves Spirit and Fire to open a gateway. ## [KoD,Ch23] - [Nacelle Kayama] uses a complex weave of all five Powers to detect [Narishma|Jahar Narishma] channeling. ## [KoD,Ch31] - [Elayne] weaves Spirit to hide her ability to channel. ## [KoD,Ch31] - [Chesmal Emry] weaves Fire, Earth and Water to kill [Vandene Namelle] and [Sareitha|Sareitha Tomares]. %%