A set of small ''%%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%'' and %%ot [angreal|Angreal]%% worn in the hair. [Cadsuane] wears one and it includes golden stars, moons, birds and fish. ! Ornaments * Intertwined golden crescents - A ''%%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%'' that grows cool when someone nearby holds %%ot [saidar|Said]%%. * Eight-pointed star - A ''%%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%'' that vibrates when there is a man who can [channel|True Source] nearby. * Golden hummingbird - A ''%%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%''. It is a Well that can store %%ot [saidar|Said]%%. * Shrike - A female %%ot [angreal|Angreal]%% * Golden swallow - A ''%%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%''. It was made during the [Breaking] specifically to detect a man [channeling|True Source] alone. It detects the direction of %%ot [saidin|Said]%% or %%ot [saidar|Said]%%, but does not distinguish between the two and does not tell the distance. ! References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In the [Guide] ## [Glimmers Q&A|Guide] - The golden swallow was made during the [Breaking] to detect a man [channeling|True Source] alone. Since a man [linked|Linking] to a woman was, by definition, "safe," it does not detect %%ot [saidin|Said]%% [linked|Linking] to %%ot [saidar|Said]%%. # In [The Path of Daggers] ## [TPoD,Ch12] - [Cadsuane]'s hair ornament grows cool when [Alanna Mosvani] holds %%ot [saidar|Said]%%. # In [Winter's Heart|Winters Heart] ## [WH,Ch34] - [Cadsuane] uses the %%ot [saidar|Said]%% in the golden hummingbird to lift the crown off [Aleis|Aleis Barsalla]' head. ## [WH,Ch35] - [Cadsuane] uses the shrike to help maintain her shield that protects [Rand] and [Nynaeve]. ## [WH,Ch35] - [Cadsuane] uses the golden swallow to track the [Forsaken] as they try to attack. It detects the direction of %%ot [saidin|Said]%% or %%ot [saidar|Said]%%, but does not distinguish between the two and does not tell the distance. # In [Crossroads of Twilight] ## [CoT,Ch23] - [Cadsuane]'s eight-pointed star vibrates as she nears the courtyard where the [Asha'man] and [Warder] are practicing swords. ## [CoT,Ch24] - [Nynaeve]'s [bracelet and rings] is a much stronger %%ot [angreal|Angreal]%% than [Cadsuane]'s shrike. # In [Knife of Dreams] ## [KoD,Ch19] - [Cadsuane] knows when [Rand] is holding %%ot [saidin|Said]%% and when he releases. ## [KoD,Ch27] - One of the ornaments can disrupt weaves at close distance. This breaks [Semirhage]'s disguise as [Tuon]. # In [The Gathering Storm] ## [TGS,Ch22] - [Semirhage] recognizes [Cadsuane]'s hair ornaments as a paralis-net. # In [Towers of Midnight] ## [ToM,Ch51] - [Rand] recognizes [Cadsuane]'s hair ornaments as a paralis-net so he knows she has a Well. He tells her that he wore the original male version. %% %%cat-border [Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Items] | [Category.All Angreals] | [Category.Angreals] | [Category.Female Angreals] | [Category.Terangreals] %%