A young man from the [Two Rivers]. He is married to [Laila|Laila (TV)]. Best friends with [Rand|Rand (TV)] and [Mat |Mat (TV)].

[{Image src='https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/pv_starlight/woft-e7f4ab08-9807-46e1-807e-1ebee05b7e84/ph3_Perrin_CharacterCard_200x200-c441b436-9b0d-4f96-ac42-0200da5a7287._SX2160_.jpg' link='https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/pv_starlight/woft-e7f4ab08-9807-46e1-807e-1ebee05b7e84/ph3_Perrin_CharacterCard_200x200-c441b436-9b0d-4f96-ac42-0200da5a7287._SX2160_.jpg' width='200'}]

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Perrin and [Rand|Rand (TV)] chat in the [Winespring Inn]. ([Episode 101])
* Perrin talks about the rumor of soldiers being in [Taren Ferry] and headed south towards a war in [Ghealdan]. ([Episode 101])
* [Mat|Mat (TV)] leaves the table and [Rand|Rand (TV)] and Perrin talk about how much money he lost. ([Episode 101])
* Perrin remarks that [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] looks like a normal person. ([Episode 101])
* Perrin asks [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] to give [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] his best wishes and then goes to forge and sees [Laila|Laila (TV)] working ([Episode 101])
* Perrin asks [Laila|Laila (TV)] why she's here, but she doesn't answer. He also said that he had heard that she didn't go to the ceremony. He comes behind her and holds her and says "I love you." She replies "I know" and leans back into his chest. ([Episode 101])
* We then switch to [Laila|Laila (TV)] and Perrin in bed and [Laila|Laila (TV)] holds Perrin's hand. ([Episode 101])
* Back at village, [Rand|Rand (TV)], [Mat|Mat (TV)] and Perrin talk. ([Episode 101])
* [Rand|Rand (TV)] and Perrin give [Mat|Mat (TV)] some money to spend on his sisters.  ([Episode 101])
* Perrin and [Laila|Laila (TV)] run to the forge, allowing one more person in before they close and lock the door. ([Episode 101])
* Perrin and [Laila|Laila (TV)] start defending themselves against [Trollocs]. Perrin kills the one attacking him, hears something behind him and swings his axe backwards without looking, slicing  [Laila|Laila (TV)] in the side with a deep cut. She dies in his arms. ([Episode 101])
* Perrin emerges from the forge, carrying [Laila|Laila (TV)]'s body. ([Episode 101])
* Perrin and the others mount up and ride out of the village. ([Episode 101])
* Master [Hightower|Hightower (TV)] ferries [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)], [Lan|Lan (TV)], [Rand|Rand (TV)], Perrin, [Mat|Mat (TV)] and [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] across the [Taren River]. ([Episode 102])
* [Rand|Rand (TV)] dreams that something is caught in his throat, and then he pulls a dead bat out of his mouth. Not far away, a shadowy figure of a man appears, with embers for eyes. [Mat|Mat (TV)] and Perrin has similar dreams. ([Episode 102])
* [Mat|Mat (TV)], [Rand|Rand (TV)], Perrin and [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] sing the song "Weep for Manetheren" and [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] explains the fall of [Manetheren] to them. ([Episode 102])
* Perrin is filling up water bottles in a creek. There are wolves howling in the distance. He sits down to look at his leg injury. He hears a noise and stands up to see a pack of wolves around him. One of them approaches and licks the wound, then they all run away. ([Episode 102])
* [Lan|Lan (TV)], [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)], [Rand|Rand (TV)], [Mat|Mat (TV)], Perrin and [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] enter [Shadar Logoth|Aridhol (City)]. ([Episode 102])
* [Mat|Mat (TV)] sits down next to Perrin in the building. [Mat|Mat (TV)] gives Perrin a dagger that [Laila|Laila (TV)] made for him. He says that [Laila|Laila (TV)] only made tools, not weapons. Perrin reassures [Mat|Mat (TV)] that his sisters will be fine.  ([Episode 102])
* [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] and Perrin are chased by [Mashadar] to the top of the city walls and forced to jump into the river. ([Episode 102])
* Perrin and [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] are walking across the [Caralain Grass]. There are wolves howling not too far away and [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] thinks they are following them. They find a small hollow and decide to stop there and make a fire to keep the wolves away. [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] thinks that [Rand|Rand (TV)] will head back to the [Two Rivers] but Perrin tells her that [Rand|Rand (TV)] will be going wherever he thinks she is going. ([Episode 103])
* Perrin is having a nightmare. It's raining and thundering. He's back home in his bedroom. He finds [Laila| Laila (TV)]'s body leaning up against the forge, with a wolf eating her guts. Her head turns to him and she opens her white eyes and says "I know." He turns around and the man with the ember eyes is right there. He immediately wakes up. ([Episode 103])
* [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] and Perrin run through some trees, trying to dodge the wolves. They find wagon tracks and signs of lots of people and decide to follow them, since the tracks are headed east towards the [White Tower]. [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] remarks that it seems like the wolves led them to these tracks. ([Episode 103])
* [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] and Perrin encounter the [Tinkers] who lead them back to their camp, where they are provided with blankets and food. ([Episode 103])


! References (Possible Spoilers)


Book Character: [Perrin|Perrin Aybara]\\
IMDB: [Marcus Rutherford|https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8519744]
More [TV Characters], [Category TV Character]