An [Aes Sedai] of the [Red Ajah] and a [Sitter|Sitters] for about fifteen years. She is [Kandori|Kandor]. She is about one hundred sixty years old. ! Physical Description She is plump and short, but pretty with dark eyes. She is always cheerful. ([ACoS,Ch32]) ! Points of View See Pevara's [chapter points of view|Pevara POV]. %%collapsebox-closed ! Chronology (Possible Spoilers) * [Seaine|Seaine Herimon] tells Pevara about [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan]'s order to seek out traitors and Pevara agrees to help her hunt the [Black Ajah]. ([ACoS,Ch32]) * Pevara and [Seaine|Seaine Herimon] question [Zerah Dacan] using the [Oath Rod] and accidentally discover the [Salidar Aes Sedai] spies. When four other [Sitters] walk in they learn that [Talene Minly] is [Black Ajah]. ([TPoD,Ch26]) * [Doesine|Doesine Alwain], Pevara, [Saerin|Saerin Asnobar], [Seaine|Seaine Herimon] and [Yukiri] question [Talene|Talene Minly] with the [Chair of Remorse]. [Talene|Talene Minly] admits she is [Black Ajah] and tells them that [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] is also. ([WH,Prologue]) * [Saerin|Saerin Asnobar] and Pevara decide to keep the rebel moles secret until their usefulness is over. ([CoT,Prologue]) * [Tarna|Tarna Feir] and Pevara discuss the situation with the [White Tower] and the [Black Tower]. They agree that they must approach the [Asha'man]. ([CoT,Ch22]) * Pevara and [Javindhra|Javindhra Doraille] meet with [Tsutama|Tsutama Rath] in her rooms. They discuss the disasters at [Dumai's Wells|Dumais Wells] and the [Black Tower]. They agree that they must adopt the plan of bonding the [Asha'man]. Pevara then meets with [Yukiri] to discuss their lack of progress on the [Black Ajah]. ([KoD,Prologue]) * Pevara and [Doesine|Doesine Alwain] seem distracted, ignoring [Egwene|Egwene alVere] when they pass her in the [White Tower]. ([KoD,Ch24]) * Following [Tsutama|Tsutama Rath]'s orders, Pevara, [Desala|Desala Nevanche], [Javindhra|Javindhra Doraille], [Jezrail], [Melare] and [Tarna|Tarna Feir] [Travel|Weaves] to the [Black Tower] and ask [Mazrim Taim] for permission to bond [Asha'man] as [Warder]. He agrees. ([KoD,Epilogue]) * Pevara and [Javindhra|Javindhra Doraille] discuss bonding with [Taim|Mazrim Taim]. He still refuses to let them bond full [Asha'man]. He tells them they must now ask permission to leave. Back at her hut, Pevara finds that [Tarna|Tarna Feir] is acting strange. ([ToM,Ch53]) * [Androl|Androl Genhald] calls on Pevara. They begin planning. ([ToM,Ch56]) * [Androl|Androl Genhald] and Pevara discuss his past and forming circles. [Canler] and [Algarin|Algarin Pendaloan] report that they have not found a way to escape the [Black Tower]. They agree to follow [Androl|Androl Genhald] until [Logain|Logain Ablar] returns. ([AMoL,Prologue]) * While waiting, [Androl|Androl Genhald] and Pevara form a circle. The loss of control terrifies Pevara and she bonds him. He bonds her in return and they can feel each other's thoughts. [Evin|Evin Vinchova] brings news that [Logain|Logain Ablar] is probably a prisoner. ([AMoL,Ch2]) * [Androl|Androl Genhald], Pevara and [Evin|Evin Vinchova] go to [The Great Gathering]. [Androl|Androl Genhald] seeks the void and she tells him that it is now harder to sense his thoughts. ([AMoL,Ch3]) * [Androl|Androl Genhald] and Pevara are hiding in a storeroom, waiting for [Dobser]. She suspects [Taim|Mazrim Taim] has some sort of %%ot ter'angreal%% that he got from one of the [Forsaken] that is blocking [Traveling|Weaves]. They capture [Dobser], [Welyn|Welyn Kajima] and [Leems]. ([AMoL,Ch3]) * Pevara and [Androl|Androl Genhald] approach the underground prison. She is afraid to channel because of the [Black Ajah]. They find a tunnel and enter. They hear a voice ahead. Beyond the door the find a series of cells and [Logain|Logain Ablar] is there. They hear voices past the door and one of them is [Taim|Mazrim Taim]. They try to fight but a weave brings the earthen ceiling pouring down on them. ([AMoL,Ch4]) * [Androl] wakes up to find himself tied up. Pevara is also tied up somewhere nearby. ([AMoL,Ch8]) * Pevara had also been given the tea and is knocked out, which also angered [Taim] because he wanted to Turn her next. ([AMoL,Ch10]) %% ! Other References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In [A Crown of Swords] ## [ACoS,Ch32] - Unusual for a [Red|Red Ajah], she approves of [Warder]. ## [ACoS,Ch32] - Pevara and [Seaine|Seaine Herimon] were close friends when they were [novice|novices] and [Accepted] together. # In [Knife of Dreams] ## [KoD,Ch24] - Her full name is Pevara Tazanovni. ## [KoD,Ch25] - [Tarna|Tarna Feir] has difficulty recruiting [Red Ajah] sisters to bond [Asha'man] as [Warder] as Pevara suggested. # In [The Gathering Storm] ## [TGS,Ch39] - [Meidani] reports to [Egwene|Egwene alVere] that all the [Red Ajah] [Sitters] are missing. ## [TGS,Ch46] - [Javindhra|Javindhra Doraille] and Pevara just disappeared from the [White Tower]. No one knows where they are. # In [Towers of Midnight] ## [ToM,Ch3] - [Javindhra|Javindhra Doraille] and Pevara are still missing from the [White Tower]. ## [ToM,Ch27] - Because of their long absence, [Viria|Viria Connoral] and [Raechin|Raechin Connoral] are chosen to replace [Javindhra|Javindhra Doraille] and Pevara. %% %%cat-border [Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Characters] | [Category.P Characters] | [Category.T Characters] | [Category.ACoS Characters] | [Category.KoD Characters] | [Category.TGS Characters] | [Category.AMoL Characters] | [Category.Aes Sedai Sisters] | [Category.Red Ajah Sisters] %%