Portal Stones are remnants from an age before the [Age of Legends]. A portal stone facilitates transportation between other Portal Stones in this world and even in other worlds. ! References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In [The Great Hunt] ## [TGH,Ch11] - [Ingtar Shinowa] and his party camp by a Portal Stone. The next morning, [Rand], [Hurin] and [Loial] have vanished without a trace. ## [TGH,Ch13] - [Rand], [Hurin] and [Loial] wake in a hollow beside a stone cylinder three spans high. It stands on a white stone base. Seven steps lead up from the base out of the hollow. The seven steps match the colors of the seven [Ajah|Aes Sedai]. [Loial] identifies it as a Portal Stone. ## [TGH,Ch13] - [Loial] recalls reading about Portal Stones in an old book. It said, "From Stone to Stone run the lines of 'if,' between the worlds that might be." ## [TGH,Ch16] - [Rand] tells [Rand], [Hurin] and [Loial] that there is another Portal Stone nearby in the foothills of [Kinslayer's Dagger|Kinslayers Dagger]. ## [TGH,Ch17] - She leads them to it and [Rand] [channels|True Source] them all back to the real world. The Portal Stone symbol for the true world is a little larger than the others, a triangle on its point inside a circle. ## [TGH,Ch36] - [Verin] knows of a Portal Stone in the [Aiel Waste]. There is another Portal Stone just outside [Stedding Tsofu]. ## [TGH,Ch37] - [Verin] tells [Rand] about the Portal Stone symbols. Two parallel wavy lines crossed by an odd squiggle stand for the Portal Stone on [Toman Head]. Eight symbols in a rectangle stand for different worlds. Each symbol is an arrow in a circle. The arrows point left, right, up or down and either pierce the circle or not. ## [TGH,Ch37] - [Rand] uses the Portal Stone outside [Stedding Tsofu] to transport his party to [Toman Head]. Something goes wrong and the trip takes four months. All of them see visions of possible futures. ## [TGH,Ch46] - The futures [Ingtar Shinowa] saw in the Portal Stone were all terrible. # In [The Dragon Reborn] ## [TDR,Ch21] - In telling her about %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%, [Verin] reminds [Egwene] of her lectures on Portal Stones and parallel worlds. # In [The Shadow Rising] ## [TSR,Ch22] - From his reading, [Rand] learns that there is a Portal Stone near [Rhuidean] and that there are no less than four in [Tear|Tear (Country)]. He uses the nearest to transport his party from [Tear|Tear (Country)] to [Chaendaer]. # In [Towers of Midnight] ## [ToM,Ch41] - When [Perrin] detects channeling off and on, [Perrin] thinks an unknown male channeler is using a nearby Portal Stone to bring [Shadowspawn] to attack the [Whitecloaks]. %% ---- More [Category Items|Category.Items]