One of the [Kin]. She was an [Arafellin|Arafel] noble. She is a weak [channeler|True Source]. 

! Physical Description

She is strikingly handsome. ([ACoS,Ch24]) 

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Sarainya Vostovan joins the [Kin] circa 950 NE. ([ACoS,Ch24])
* Sarainya brings news to the [Knitting Circle|Kin] that [Callie] was killed. ([ACoS,Ch24])
* Sarainya is at the [farm|Farm] when [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] and her party arrive. ([TPoD,Ch4])
* Sarainya and the rest of the [Kin] [Travel|Weaves] with [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] to [Andor] when the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] attack the [farm|Farm]. ([TPoD,Ch6])
* Sarainya and the rest of the [Kin] travel across [Andor] with [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] toward [Caemlyn]. ([TPoD,Ch20])
* Sarainya and the rest of the [Kin] travel with [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] to the [Royal Palace] in [Caemlyn]. When two of the [Kin] are discovered to be runaway [novices] and are put in white Sarainya and [Asra] nearly start a revolt that is put down by [Reanne|Reanne Corly] and [Alise|Alise Tenjile]. ([TPoD,Ch28])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Path of Daggers]
## [TPoD,Ch28] - She is not a strong enough [channeler|True Source] to be [Aes Sedai].

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