Pronunciation: SHEH-ree-ahm bay-ah-NAHR [{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/sheriam.wav'}] An [Aes Sedai] of the [Blue Ajah]. She is the [Mistress of Novices|Aes Sedai]. [{Image src='Sheriam (Show)/Sheriam.png' height='150'}] %%collapsebox-closed ! Chronology (Possible Spoilers) * In a courtyard, several [Aes Sedai] meet to discuss the novices. Sheriam, the Mistress of Novices, is leading the conversation. Sheriam notes that they can't afford any losses and that the [White Tower] used to be full, but now fewer girls come to the Tower and they have lesser power. %%red [Liandrin|Liandrin (Show)]%% asks permission just to talk with her. Sheriam agrees to allow her to talk to [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)] and then ends the meeting. %%green [Alanna|Alanna (Show)]%% tells Sheriam that this is a mistake. ([Episode 201]) * Sheriam visits %%green [Alanna|Alanna (Show)]%%, with her warders [Ihvon|Ihvon (Show)] and [Maksim|Maksim (Show)] present, discussing %%red [Liandrin|Liandrin (Show)]%%’s plan for [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)]’s [Accepted] test. She seems uncomfortable with %%green [Alanna|Alanna (Show)]%%’s notion that powerful individuals signal the [Last Battle|The Creator and the Dark One], notes %%red [Liandrin|Liandrin (Show)]%% has called for a vote, and questions if %%green [Alanna|Alanna (Show)]%% will be present, noticing her packed saddlebags (Scene 13 - [Episode 202]) * Sheriam encounters [Egwene|Egwene (Show)] and [Elayne|Elayne (Show)] outside their rooms, asking [Egwene|Egwene (Show)] where [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)] is, and imposes a three-month punishment on [Elayne|Elayne (Show)] for moving furniture, requiring her presence in Sheriam’s office before breakfast (Scene 19 - [Episode 202]) * Sheriam and %%blue [Leane|Leane (Show)]%% are present in a chamber with %%red [Liandrin|Liandrin (Show)]%% for [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)]’s formal ceremony. After the ceremony, they escort [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)] to an adjacent room containing the [Three Arches] (Scene 26 - [Episode 202]) %% ! References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse %%hidden until you need it # In [Season 1] ## [Episode 107] - [Lord Yakota|Yakota (Show)] greets [Lan|Lan (Show)] as "Dai Shan" and welcomes them on behalf of Lord Agelmar. %% %% Book Character: [Sheriam Bayanar]\\ IMDB: [Rima Te Riata|] %%cat-border [Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Show Characters] | [Category.Episode 201 Characters] | [Category.Episode 202 Characters] %%