[Ogier] do not have a country, but instead live in %%ot steddings%%. Pronunciation: STEHD-ding [{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/stedding.wav'}] %%ot Stedding%% cannot be entered from %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. ([ACoS,Ch10]) The estimated population of each ''stedding'' is about 6,000. %%columns * [Stedding Cantoine] - above the River [Iralell] north of [Haddon Mirk] * [Stedding Chandar] - now in the [Blight], abandoned * Stedding Chiantal (in [Kandor]) * Stedding Chanti (in the [Spine of the World]) * Stedding Chinden (in the [Mountains of Mist]) * Stedding Chosium (in [Saldaea]) * [Stedding Daiting] (in the [Spine of the World]) * Stedding Feindu (in the [Black Hills]) * Stedding Handu (in the [Spine of the World]) * Stedding Jenshin (in [Haddon Mirk]) * [Stedding Jentoine] (in the [Black Hills]) * Stedding Jinsiun (in the [Mountains of Mist]) * Stedding Jongai (in [Saldaea]) * Stedding Kolomon (in the [Spine of the World]) * Stedding Lantoine (in the [Spine of the World]) * Stedding Leitiang (north of the River [Ivo]) * Stedding Madan (in the [Mountains of Mist]) * [Stedding Mardoon] (along the [Shadow Coast]) * Stedding Mashong (in the [Spine of the World]) * Stedding Mintai (north of the River [Dhagon]) * Stedding Nurshang (between [Kinslayer's Dagger|Kinslayers Dagger] and [Shienar]) * [Stedding Qichen] (in the [Spine of the World]) ---- * Stedding Saishen (in [Saldaea]) * [Stedding Sanshen] (in the [Spine of the World]) * [Stedding Shadoon] (along the [Shadow Coast]) * Stedding Shajin (in the [Black Hills]) * Stedding Shamendar (north of the River [Ivo]) * Stedding Shangloon (in the [Mountains of Mist]) * [Stedding Shangtai] (in the [Spine of the World]) * Stedding Shanjing (in [Arafel]) * [Stedding Sherandu] - now in the [Blight], abandoned * Stedding Sholoon (in [Shienar]) * Stedding Sintiang (in the [Spine of the World]) * [Stedding Taijing] (in the [Spine of the World]) * Stedding Taishin (north of the River [Ivo]) * Stedding Tanhal (in [Arafel]) * Stedding Tsochan (north of the River [Ivo]) * Stedding Tsofan (in the [Mountains of Mist]) * [Stedding Tsofu] (in [Cairhien|Country of Cairhien]) * Stedding Wenchen (north of the River [Dhagon]) * Stedding Yandar (in the [Mountains of Mist]) * Stedding Yongen (in the [Spine of the World]) * Stedding Yontiang (in [Kinslayer's Dagger|Kinslayers Dagger]) %% %%collapse # In the [Guide] ## [Tor Website Q&A|Guide] - There are many more %%ot stedding%% in [Seanchan|Country of Seanchan] than there are in the [Westlands|Geography]. Thus the Gardeners do not suffer from the Longing. # In [The Eye of the World] ## [TEotW,Ch29] - [Perrin], [Egwene] and [Elyas] camp in an abandoned %%ot stedding%%. ## [TEotW,Ch36] - Ogier rarely leave their %%ot stedding%% any more since the [Ways] began to go bad. # In [The Great Hunt] ## [TGH,Ch35] - In the [Age of Legends] Ogier could travel freely, but after the [Breaking] the %%ot stedding%% were lost. Ogier who could not find a %%ot stedding%% developed the Longing. They eventually grew ill and died. Ogier are still bound to the %%ot stedding%%. # In [The Dragon Reborn] ## [TDR,Prologue] - The Ogier have called meetings between the %%ot stedding%%. # In [The Shadow Rising] ## [TSR,Ch23] - Ogier %%ot stedding%% cannot be entered in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. ## [TSR,Ch25] - [Comran] was the first [Aiel] to discover Ogier %%ot stedding%% in the [Dragonwall|Spine of the World] and begin trading with them. ## [TSR,Ch26] - [Jonai] and [Adan] meet a band of Ogier. They are suffering from the Longing because they cannot find a %%ot stedding%%. # In [The Fires of Heaven] ## [TFoH,Ch7] - [Rand] arranges to have Ogier masons from a nearby %%ot stedding%% assist in rebuilding [Rhuidean]. # In [Lord of Chaos] ## [LoC,Ch9] - [Balwer|Sebban Balwer] reports to [Pedron Niall] that there are meetings going on between the Ogier %%ot stedding%%. ## [LoC,Ch20] - The Ogier know of several %%ot stedding%% such as the one by [Artur Hawkwing]'s monument that have never been repopulated. They are too near the lands of men. ## [LoC,Ch45] - [Loial] grows tired on the journey from the [Two Rivers] to [Caemlyn] so he takes a side trip to an abandoned %%ot stedding%% that [Perrin] recommends to rest up. # In [Winter's Heart|Winters Heart] ## [WH,Ch23] - The [guardian] in [Far Madding] completely cuts off [channelers|True Source] from the [True Source] much like an Ogier %%ot stedding%%. # In [Crossroads of Twilight] ## [CoT,Ch24] - [Loial] reports to [Rand] that he and [Karldin] visited all the %%ot stedding%% except [Stedding Shangtai]. All except the ones in the [Borderlands] and the [Shadow Coast] agreed to post guards at the [Waygates|Ways]. # In [Knife of Dreams] # In [The Gathering Storm] ## [TGS,Ch10] - [Rodel Ituralde] shelters his army in an abandoned %%ot stedding%% to neutralize the [Seanchan] %%ot [damane|Seanchan]%%. # In [Towers of Midnight] ## [ToM,Prologue] - Ogier dead begin to appear around the %%ot stedding%%. %% ---- More [Category Geography]