[{Table style='width:100%' | [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_lft.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=TFoH,Ch37'}] | %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/wheel_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Wheel Chapter Icon'}] ''[TFoH|The Fires of Heaven]: An Old Acquaintance'' %% | [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_rgt.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=TFoH,Ch39' align='right'}] }] %%tabs ! __Nynaeve__ POV [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] follows [Uno|Uno Nomesta] out of the circus as [Cerandin] leads [Sanit|Elephants], [Mer|Elephants] and [Nerin|Elephants] in their performance. She catches up to him and tells him she saw him at [Fal Dara], then at [Falme] with [Rand|Rand alThor]. He recognizes her and drags her off toward the town. They stop near another circus with a sign reading [Mairin Gome]. [Uno|Uno Nomesta] says he remembers her well. [Ragan] thought she could butcher a bull with her tongue at ten paces. [Chaena] and [Nangu] thought fifty. He remembers she was with [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred]. [Uno|Uno Nomesta] wants to give her enough money to get her to [Tear|Tear (Country)] where he thinks [Rand|Rand alThor] is. He heard that [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] was deposed. He asks if [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] or [Verin|Verin Mathwin] is with her but [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] says no. She tells him she is with [Elayne|Elayne Trakand]. She asks what he is doing in [Samara]. He tells her that [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] sent the [Shienarans|Shienar] to [Jehannah], but the woman they were supposed to meet was dead and no one else had even heard of [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred].[1] [Masema|Masema Dagar] started preaching and the others just hung around. Only [Bartu] and [Nengar] really listen to him. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] is shocked to learn that [Masema|Masema Dagar] is the [Prophet|Masema Dagar]. [Uno|Uno Nomesta] offers to take her to him because he might be able to get her a boat. They head into the town. \\ \\ More [Nynaeve POV] %% %%collapsebox-closed ! Notes (Possible Spoilers) [#1] Who was this woman? Speculation - [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin]? %% ---- More [Category Chapters|Category.Chapters], [Wheel Chapter Icon]