[{Table style='width:100%' | [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_lft.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=TSR,Ch29'}] | %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/tar_valon_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Tar Valon Chapter Icon'}] ''[TSR|The Shadow Rising]: Beyond the Oak'' %% | [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_rgt.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=TSR,Ch31' align='right'}] }] %%tabs ! __Perrin__ POV [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] continues to cry thinking of his father and mother, [Adora|Adora Aybara], [Deselle|Deselle Aybara] and [Paet|Paetram Aybara]. When he looks up, he and [Faile|Zarine Bashere] are alone except for [Scratch], the cat. He agrees that turning himself in would accomplish nothing. He must figure out how to help [Rand|Rand alThor]'s and [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]'s families and the [Luhhans|Haral Luhhan]. He thinks that maybe Lord [Luc|Luc Mantear] will have some ideas and is grateful that the [Waygate|Ways] is blocked.[1] [Bran|Brandelwyn alVere] enters and tells them that [Loial] is in the kitchen. They go to the kitchen where [Loial] offers his condolences. [Loial], [Gaul], [Bain] and [Chiad] agree to fight the [Whitecloaks|Children of the Light] and [Trollocs]. They plan to find [Tam|Tam alThor] and [Abell|Abell Cauthon] as well. [Marin|Marin alVere] agrees to take them to the old sickhouse in the [Westwood|Two Rivers] where they can stay. The "new" sickhouse has been east of Master [Thane|Jon Thane]'s mill since [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] was a boy. They run into [Cenn Buie] in the stable. [Marin|Marin alVere] tells him she will sic [Daise Congar] on him if he talks. She also reminds him that [Corin Ayellin] has been after him for the poor job he did on her roof. They head into the woods and soon are confronted by two [Warders]. [Marin|Marin alVere], clearly expecting them, tells [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] that only the Women's Circle knows that there are [Aes Sedai] here. She identifies the [Warders] as [Tomas] and [Ihvon]. [Ihvon] leaves to report their presence. [Marin|Marin alVere] says that the [Aes Sedai] were at [Watch Hill] when the [Whitecloaks|Children of the Light] came. They wait for [Ihvon] to return. \\ \\ More [Perrin POV] %% %%collapsebox-closed ! Notes (Possible Spoilers) [#1] It will be opened again. ([TSR,Ch42]) %% ---- More [Category Chapters], [Tar Valon Chapter Icon]