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| [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_lft.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=The Shadow Rising'}] 
| %%book-title-text ''__The Fires of Heaven__'' %% 
| [{Image src='Chapter Icons/btar_rgt.gif' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Lord of Chaos' align='right'}]

| [{Image src='Main/tfoh.jpg'}] 
| ''__The Fires of Heaven__''  is a  [fantasy|Wikipedia:Fantasy_literature]  novel by American writer  [Robert Jordan|Wikipedia:Robert_Jordan] , the fifth book in his series ''The Wheel of Time''. It was published by  [Tor Books|Wikipedia:Tor_Books]  and released on October 15, 1993. ([Wikipedia|https://en.wikipedia.org]) 

* [The First Sparks Fall|TFoH,Prologue]
# [Fanning the Sparks|TFoH,Ch1]
# [Rhuidean|TFoH,Ch2]
# [Pale Shadows|TFoH,Ch3]
# [Twilight|TFoH,Ch4]
# [Among the Wise Ones|TFoH,Ch5]
# [Gateways|TFoH,Ch6]
# [A Departure|TFoH,Ch7]
# [Over the Border|TFoH,Ch8]
# [A Signal|TFoH,Ch9]
# [Figs and Mice|TFoH,Ch10]
# [The Nine Horse Hitch|TFoH,Ch11]
# [An Old Pipe|TFoH,Ch12]
# [A Small Room in Sienda|TFoH,Ch13]
# [Meetings|TFoH,Ch14]
# [What Can Be Learned in Dreams|TFoH,Ch15]
# [An Unexpected Offer|TFoH,Ch16]
# [Heading West|TFoH,Ch17]
# [A Hound of Darkness|TFoH,Ch18]
# [Memories|TFoH,Ch19]
# [Jangai Pass|TFoH,Ch20]
# [The Gift of a Blade|TFoH,Ch21]
# [Birdcalls by Night|TFoH,Ch22]
# ["The Fifth, I Give You"|TFoH,Ch23]
# [A Message Sent|TFoH,Ch24]
# [Dreams of Galad|TFoH,Ch25]
# [Sallie Daera|TFoH,Ch26]
# [The Practice of Diffidence|TFoH,Ch27]
# [Trapped|TFoH,Ch28]
# [Memories of Saldaea|TFoH,Ch29]
# [A Wager|TFoH,Ch30]
# [The Far Snows|TFoH,Ch31]
# [A Short Spear|TFoH,Ch32]
# [A Question of Crimson|TFoH,Ch33]
# [A Silver Arrow|TFoH,Ch34]
# [Ripped Away|TFoH,Ch35]
# [A New Name|TFoH,Ch36]
# [Performances in Samara|TFoH,Ch37]
# [An Old Acquaintance|TFoH,Ch38]
# [Encounters in Samara|TFoH,Ch39]
# [The Wheel Weaves|TFoH,Ch40]
# [The Craft of Kin Tovere|TFoH,Ch41]
# [Before the Arrow|TFoH,Ch42]
# [This Place, This Day|TFoH,Ch43]
# [The Lesser Sadness|TFoH,Ch44]
# [After the Storm|TFoH,Ch45]
# [Other Battles, Other Weapons|TFoH,Ch46]
# [The Price of a Ship|TFoH,Ch47]
# [Leavetakings|TFoH,Ch48]
# [To Boannda|TFoH,Ch49]
# [To Teach, and Learn|TFoH,Ch50]
# [News Comes to Cairhien|TFoH,Ch51]
# [Choices|TFoH,Ch52]
# [Fading Words|TFoH,Ch53]
# [To Caemlyn|TFoH,Ch54]
# [The Threads Burn|TFoH,Ch55]
# [Glowing Embers|TFoH,Ch56]

!! Plot Threads

[{ImageMapPlus image='tfoh_threads.gif'


| __%%(color:red;background-color:#D3D3D3)Red%%__ | [Elayne] and [Nynaeve]
| __%%(color:orange;background-color:#D3D3D3)Orange%%__ | [Min|Min Farshaw], [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] and [Leane|Leane Sharif]
| __%%(color:blue;background-color:#D3D3D3)Blue%%__ | [Morgase|Morgase Trakand]
| __%%(color:green;background-color:#D3D3D3)Green%%__ | [Rand], [Mat] and [Egwene] in the [Aiel Waste] and [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)]
| __%%(color;background-color:#D3D3D3)Black%%__ | [Elayne], [Nynaeve], [Min|Min Farshaw], [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] and [Leane|Leane Sharif] in [Salidar]

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