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| %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/dreams_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Dreams Chapter Icon'}] ''[ToM|Towers of Midnight]: A Vow'' %% 
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! __Egwene__ POV

[Egwene|Egwene alVere] walks a field in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. With the terrible storm above it feels more unnatural than during her first visits with the [twisted ring] she got from %%black [Verin|Verin Mathwin]%%. Stores of unspoiled grain have been discovered.[1] She has two meetings this evening. She goes to the Heart of the [Stone|Stone of Tear] to meet with [Amys] and [Bair]. She tells them that [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] was taken by the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] and she is now [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai]. [Sorilea] wants [Egwene|Egwene alVere] back with the [Aiel]. She asks if they have seen [Rand|Rand alThor]. They say he has embraced death and achieved the strength of the wind. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] broaches the idea of sending some [Accepted] to train with the [Wise Ones|Aiel]. She asks if [Rand|Rand alThor] told them what he told her. He only told them that she was angry. She repeats his plan to break the [seals|Seals] and [Amys] and [Bair] are shocked. 

This meeting ended, [Egwene|Egwene alVere] returns to the [Hall|Sitters]. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] has still not arrived. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] is frustrated that she has an easier time with her adversaries than with her friends, [Rand|Rand alThor], [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]. Looking around, she notices that the new rose window in the [Hall|Sitters] now bears a Dragon's Fang as well as the Flame of [Tar Valon].[2] [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] arrives and [Egwene|Egwene alVere] updates her on the news. She asks [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] for advice being a leader and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] recounts her difficulties with [Jon Thane] and [Cenn Buie]. It is a ruse to show [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] that she must respect [Egwene|Egwene alVere] as the [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai] now and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] reluctantly agrees. 

A ward goes off indicating that someone has arrived. They look around and find no one, then [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] arrives. She did not set off the ward; someone else did.[3] They discuss [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Egwene|Egwene alVere] guesses that [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] bonded him. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] indignantly notes that she is pregnant. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] heard it from [Aviendha]. She tells them about [Rand|Rand alThor]'s plan for the [seals|Seals] and they seem torn as to whether or not it is wise. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] orders them to return to the [White Tower] to swear on the [Oath Rod]. [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] demurs because of her pregnancy. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] has been practicing the weaves for the test and thinks it is no big deal.[4] [Egwene|Egwene alVere] orders her to return immediately. She tells [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] to try to make more dream %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%% and relates the story of [Verin|Verin Mathwin], [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] and the [Black Ajah]. 

A ward goes off again. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] wills herself to the hallway outside and confronts [Talva] whom she shields. There is a sound behind her and she moves. The blast of [Fire|One Power] from %%black [Alviarin|Alviarin Freidhen]%% hits %%black [Talva]%% instead of [Egwene|Egwene alVere]. [Alviarin|Alviarin Freidhen] vanishes. [Talva] is dead. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] thinks that she relies too much on channeling. She needs to use her skill of the Dream World more. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] vows that she will find [Mesaana].
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More [Egwene POV]

! Notes (Possible Spoilers)

[#1] Since [Rand|Rand alThor]'s visit.
\\[#2] It is not clear what this means.
\\[#3] Someone of the [Black Ajah] using the stolen dream %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%.
\\[#4] She had lots of spare time in [Arad Doman]. ([TGS,Ch7])
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