The Trolloc Wars began about 1000 AB and lasted for over three hundred years. Waves of [Trollocs] led by [Fade] and [Dreadlords] poured out of the [Blight] and ravaged the world. Eventually all were slain or driven back to the [Blight], but some nations were depopulated and many ceased to exist. Records from the time are fragmentary. ! References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In [The Eye of the World] ##[TEotW,Ch9] - [Manetheren] was destroyed during the Trolloc Wars. About two hundred years into the Wars, a massive force of [Trollocs] and [Dreadlords] attacked wiping out most of the [Manetheren] forces and finally killing King [Aemon|Aemon al Caar al Thorin]. Queen [Eldrene|Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan], feeling his death. Countered with a blast of the [One Power] that wiped out the [Trollocs] army but also destroyed her and the entire city of [Manetheren] as well. ##[TEotW,Ch14] - [Ishamael] tells [Rand] that he ran the Trolloc Wars. ##[TEotW,Ch19] - At the end of the Trolloc Wars, an army of [Trollocs], [Fades|Fade] and [Dreadlords] camped in the ruins of [Aridhol] and none left. [Trollocs] have been afraid of [City of Aridhol|Aridhol (City)] ever since. ##[TEotW,Ch43] - [Ishamael] tells [Rand] that he started the [Black Ajah] during the Trolloc Wars. # In [The Great Hunt] ##[TGH,Ch3] - The city of [Mafal Dadaranell|Fal Dara] was destroyed during the Trolloc Wars. ##[TGH,Ch22] - [Moiraine] studies a book on the Trolloc Wars. ##[TGH,Ch23] - The [Three Arches] %%ot [Angreal]%% was found during the Trolloc Wars. # In [The Dragon Reborn] ##[TDR,Ch19] - [Mat] wakes with memories of fighting [Trollocs] during the Trolloc Wars. ##[TDR,Ch22] - [Sheriam Bayanar] tells [Egwene] that forcibly turning someone to the Shadow with thirteen [Dreadlords] and thirteen [Fades|Fade] has not been done since the Trolloc Wars. ##[TDR,Ch43] - [Lan] says [darkhounds|Darkhound] have not been seen beyond the [Mountains of Dhoom] since the Trolloc Wars. # In [The Shadow Rising] ##[TSR,Ch31] - [Ordeith|Padan Fain] thinks that part of himself has survived since the Trolloc Wars. # In [The Fires of Heaven] ##[TFoH,Ch1] - The city of [Braem|Coremanda] was destroyed in the Trolloc Wars. ##[TFoH,Ch51] - [Moiraine] notes that the [Band of the Red Hand] was [Aemon|Aemon al Caar al Thorin]'s personal army during the Trolloc Wars. # In [Lord of Chaos] ##[LoC,Ch5] - [Mat] recalls dancing with a [Sea Folk] [Wavemistress] in the court of [Shaemal|Coremanda] in [Coremanda] just before the start of the Trolloc Wars. # In [A Crown of Swords] ##[ACoS,Ch11] - During the Trolloc Wars [Dreadlords] and [Trollocs] plundered part of the [White Tower]. # In [Crossroads of Twilight] ##[CoT,Ch7] - During the Trolloc Wars, [Sorelana Alsahhan] wrote that there were a hundred packs of [Darkhounds|Darkhound]. # In [Knife of Dreams] ##[KoD,Ch17] - [Birgitte]'s earliest memories are now of the lives she led between the founding of the [White Tower] and the Trolloc Wars and those memories are fading. ##[KoD,Ch19] - [Ogier] fought along with men in the Trolloc Wars. ##[KoD,Ch20] - In the [Trolloc Wars] the [Creator] used [Tarwins Gap] to move large armies of [Shadowspawn] from the [Blight]. %% ---- More [Category History|Category.History]