He is [Warder|Warder] to [Sarene Nemdahl].

! Physical Description

He is broad-shouldered and ashen-faced. ([TGS,Ch17])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* When [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] and her party leave to find [Rand|Rand alThor], the [Aes Sedai] who were prisoners must leave their [Warder] behind in [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)]. ([WH,Ch23])
* [Bartol], [Rashan], Vitalien and [Fearil] give distance and direction for [Logain|Logain Ablar], [Bashere|Davram Bashere] and their forces to [Travel|Weaves] to find [Rand|Rand alThor]. ([CoT,Ch23])
* Vitalien accompanies [Sarene|Sarene Nemdahl] when she questions [Semirhage]. ([TGS,Ch17])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Ch25] - [Sarene|Sarene Nemdahl] writes poetry about Vitalien.
# In [Crossroads of Twilight]
## [CoT,Ch23] - [Erian|Erian Boroleos] and [Sarene|Sarene Nemdahl] report to [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] that their [Warder], [Rashan], [Bartol] and Vitalien, have [Traveled|Weaves] from [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)] and are nearby. [Elza|Elza Penfell] acknowledges that [Fearil] is also with them.

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