This is the list of changes to the site, most recent first.\\ \\ ;Feb 3,2025: Many pages are driven by categories now. To see all categories, visit [Special.Categories]. Newest category pages include [Inns and Taverns] and [Great Captains]. ;Nov 11, 2022: Finished [AMoL,Ch10]. ;Oct 10, 2022: Finished [AMoL,Ch9]. ;Sep 12, 2022: Finished a few weeks work on categorization of the pages. See: [Special.Categories]. I'll finish it up later. ;Sep 12, 2022: Finished [AMoL,Ch8]. ;Sep 9, 2022: Finished [AMoL,Ch7]. ;Aug 28, 2022: Finished outline of the rest of [AMoL|A Memory of Light]. ;Jul 13, 2022: Finished [AMoL,Ch5]. ;Jun 24, 2022: Finished [AMoL,Ch1], [AMoL,Ch2], [AMoL,Ch3] and [AMoL,Ch4]. ;May 11, 2022: Finished [AMoL,Prologue]. ;Apr 27, 2022: Created [Season 2 Predictions]. ;Apr 21, 2022: Fixed errors found by Caleb Zatorski. ;Apr 19, 2022: The summary for [Episode 108] is now available. ;Mar 21, 2022: The summary for [Episode 107] is now available. ;Mar 11, 2022: The summary for [Episode 106] is now available. ;Feb 19, 2022: The summary for [Episode 105] is now available. ;Feb 1, 2022: The summary for [Episode 104] is now available. ;Jan 16, 2022: The summary for [Episode 103] is now available. ;Dec 26, 2021: Expanded caches so that the [Characters, Aliases & Nicknames] page loads fast now. ;Dec 21, 2021: Upgraded to JSPWiki v2.11.1 to deal with Log4J issue. ;Dec 20, 2021: The summary for [Episode 102] is now available. ;Dec 13, 2021: The site is now a secure site. New URL is []. ;Dec 11, 2021: The summary for [Episode 101] is now available. ;Dec 9, 2021: __Released the new version of the website__ ;Dec 6, 2021: Finished fixing most of the broken links. Any remaining ones seem to be related to [A Memory of Light], so they will be fixed when that is done. ;Nov 28, 2021: Finished converting [New Spring] from the current site to the new site. The new site now has 4,065 pages including 654 (out of ~700) chapter pages and 2,198 (out of ~2200) character pages. Done with conversions! Now to clean up broken links. ;Nov 23, 2021: Finished converting [Towers of Midnight] from the current site to the new site. The new site now has 3,919 pages including 626 (out of ~700) chapter pages and 2,100 (out of ~2200) character pages. We've also added Ajah colors to the [Aes Sedai] in the chapters. ;Nov 18, 2021: Finished converting [The Gathering Storm] from the current site to the new site. The new site now has 3,645 pages including 567 (out of ~700) chapter pages and 1,894 (out of ~2200) character pages. ;Nov 16, 2021: Finished converting [Knife of Dreams]. The site now has 3,472 pages including 515 (out of ~700) chapter pages and 1,787 (out of ~2200) character pages. ;Nov 14, 2021: Finished converting [Crossroads of Twilight]. The site now has 3,238 pages including 476 chapter pages and 1,624 character pages. ;Nov 13, 2021: Finished converting [Winter's Heart|Winters Heart]. The site now has 3,103 pages including 444 chapter pages and 1,531 character pages. ;Nov 12, 2021: Finished converting [The Path of Daggers]. The site now has 2,967 pages including 408 chapter pages and 1,450 Character pages. ;Nov 10, 2021: Finished converting [A Crown of Swords]. The site now has 2,809 pages including 376 chapter pages and 1,338 Character pages. ;Nov 6, 2021: Finished converting [Lord of Chaos]. The site now has 2,525 pages including 334 chapter pages and 1,116 Character pages. ;Nov 2, 2021: Finished converting [The Fires of Heaven]. Total of 277 out of ~700 chapters converted. Also have 797 out of ~2200 character pages converted. ;Oct 27, 2021: Added [Official Trailer Plus Breakdown] ;Oct 27, 2021: Finished converting [The Shadow Rising]. Total of 220 out of ~700 chapters converted. Also have 620 out of ~2200 character pages converted. ;Oct 26, 2021: Create a page of all the [Inns and Taverns] ;Oct 21, 2021: Finished converting [The Dragon Reborn]. Total of 162 out of ~700 chapters converted. Also have 422 out of ~2200 character pages converted. ;Oct 18, 2021: Finished converting [The Great Hunt]. Total of 105 out of ~700 chapters converted. Also have 323 out of ~2200 character pages converted. There's several "choose your own path" links that follow character threads. ;Oct 12, 2021: Finished converting [The Eye of the World]. 55 chapter pages and 189 character pages. ;Oct 11, 2021: * Click on the chapter icon and it will take you to a page showing all the other chapters that have that icon. * You can go to [TEotW,Ch20] or [TEotW,Ch21] and choose your path. Click on the "Follow" link at the bottom of the PoV you want to follow. ;Oct 8, 2021: Added [Winespring Inn Clip Breakdown] ;Oct 5, 2021: Finished converting 372 [geography] pages ;Sep 23, 2021: Finished converting 129 [creature|All Creatures, Big and Small] pages, including 61 for horses and 30 for wolves. ;Sep 21, 2021: Finished converting 110 [item|Items] pages ;Sep 19, 2021: Finished converting 103 [organizations|Organizations and Societies] pages ;Sep 15, 2021: Finish converting [history] pages ;Sep 13, 2021: Finished conversion of main index pages ;Sep 3, 2021: __Started conversion of site from regular web site to Wiki__ %%center %%(border-top:1px solid black; border-bottom:1px solid black;) ! Missing History Gap %% %% ;9/11/10: Follow our updates on [Twitter|] ! ;11/2/10: Added index and chapter files for [ToM|Towers of Midnight] , summaries for chapters 1 and 8. ;10/31/10: Updates links for the new Wheel of Time FAQ. ;8/1/10: Updated links and references for the [TGS|The Gathering Storm] edition of the [Wheel of Time FAQ|] . ;4/1/10: Added Plot Threads for [NS|] and [TGS|] courtesy of Robert Svenn. ;3/9/10: Added chapter summaries and updates for [TGS|The Gathering Storm] . ;3/30/09: Added book pages for __A Memory of Light__ trilogy. ;1/22/08: Added links and bibliography for Brandon Sanderson. ;12/11/07: Updates for Brandon Sanderson and __A Memory of Light__. ;10/6/07: Updates for the passing of Robert Jordan. Reformatting of book index pages. ;10/2/06: Added artwork of the Forsaken courtesy of Dabel Brothers Production. ;2/12/06: Added chapter thread maps for all the books. ;1/28/06: Updated all ancillary files for [KoD|Knife of Dreams] . Updated zip files for download. ;1/8/06: Updated chapter summaries for all of [KoD|Knife of Dreams] . ;8/8/05: Updates for [KoD,Prologue] and [KoD,Ch1] . Download files updated. ;2/19/05: Download files updated. ;1/21/05: Updated links for Aaron Bergman's Old Tongue Dictionary. Updated links for Richard Boyé artwork. ;10/19/04: Numerous minor updates. Download files updated. Added a table of forthcoming books to the bibliography section. ;8/7/04: Beginning work on EWoT 2.0, conversion from HTML to XML. ;3/13/04: Updates for [NS|New Spring] completed. Download files updated. ;1/9/04: Updated links and references for the [CoT|Crossroads of Twilight] edition of the [Wheel of Time FAQ|] . ; 1/4/04: Our review of __New Spring: The Novel__. ;12/31/03: Added chapter structure for [NS|New Spring]. ;7/6/03: Updates for [CoT|Crossroads of Twilight] completed. Download files updated as well. ;4/22/03: Added most of [CoT|Crossroads of Twilight] , chapters 2 – 30 summaries. ;11/15/02: Added [CoT,Ch1], ''Time to Be Gone''. ;11/12/02: Updated links for artwork by [James Beveridge|] ;8/31/02: Several minor fixes and additions, mostly from [WH|Winters Heart] . ;8/10/02: Added extensive artwork by [Richard Boyé|] . Updated links for other artists, [Bravehamster|], [Mark Bray|], [Chi Cheung|], [Rob Christianson|], [Spencer Collier|] and [Joel Northwall|] . ;8/5/02: Added [CoT,Prologue] , ''Glimmers of the Pattern''. ;6/29/02: Several minor fixes and additions, mostly from [TPoD|The Path of Daggers] . ;6/8/02: Several minor fixes and additions, mostly from [ACoS|A Crown of Swords] . ;5/17/02: Updated [FAQ|] links for the __Winter's Heart__ revision. ;4/27/02: Updated Downloads. Several minor fixes and additions, mostly from [LoC|Lord of Chaos]. Revised sections on [Aes Sedai] and the [True Source] . ;4/6/02: Added a few references from __The Wheel of Time: Prophecies of the Dragon__. ;3/16/02: Several minor fixes and additions, mostly from [TFoH|The Fires of Heaven]. ;2/16/02: Several minor fixes and additions, mostly from [TSR|The Shadow Rising]. ;12/31/01: Added the new [TEotW|] Prologue, ''Ravens'' in __From the Two Rivers__ and glossary references in __To the Blight__. ;11/6/01: Several minor fixes and additions, mostly from [TDR|The Dragon Reborn] . Added some information from __The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game__. ;9/22/01: Several minor fixes and additions, mostly from [TGH|The Great Hunt] . Updated FAQ links to the linuxmafia server. ;8/11/01: Numerous corrections and additions thanks to Alexander Smith. ;6/15/01: Added a [PageIndex] (now an automated version) of everything in the site and a section on [Errata and Corrigenda] in the books. Also made numerous minor fixes, mostly in [TEotW|The Eye of the World]. ;1/15/01: Added [WH|Winters Heart] Chapters 22 - 25 and 32 - 35. The site is complete! (446/446) ;12/31/00: Added [WH|Winters Heart] Chapters 1 - 21 and 26 - 31. (438/446) ;11/6/00: Added [TFoH|The Fires of Heaven] Chapters 42 - 46. (411/446) The site is complete! Just in time for Winter's Heart! ;10/27/00: Added [TFoH|The Fires of Heaven] Chapters 20 - 23 and 29 - 32. (406/446) ;10/21/00: Added index and chapter templates for [Winter's Heart|Winters Heart] . Thanks to [TSignus|] for the information. ;10/16/00: Added [Snow|WH,Prologue] . (398/446) ;10/16/00: Finished [Lord of Chaos] . (397/446) ;10/12/00: Updated links to Age of Legends web ring ([Gary Kephart|]). ;10/12/00: Changed web counter and guestbook ([Gary Kephart|]). ;10/1/00: Added a huge amount of chapters, which were done by [Bob Kluttz|]. ;2/2/00: Updated [Latra Posae Decume] , which were done by [Bob Kluttz|]. ;1/20/00: Released 200+ changes to [Characters|Characters, Aliases & Nicknames], which were done by [Bob Kluttz|]. ;12/30/99: Released changes to [Creatures|All Creatures, Big and Small], which were done by [Bob Kluttz|]. ;12/5/99: Released changes to the prophecies and items, which were done by [Bob Kluttz|]. ;11/7/99: Released 521 more characters, which were done by [Bob Kluttz|]. (80/446) ;11/7/99: Released [ACoS,Ch8] through [ACoS,Ch41] , which was done by [Bob Kluttz|]. (80/446) ;9/18/99: Released [TGH,Ch32] , which was done by [Liz Gonzales|]. (46/446) ;9/6/99: Released [ACoS,Ch7] , which was done by [Bob Kluttz|]. (45/446) ;9/6/99: Released [TGH,Ch2] , which was done by [Liz Gonzales|]. (44/446) ;9/2/99: Released [ACoS,Ch6] , which was done by [Bob Kluttz|]. (43/446) ;8/30/99: Released [ACoS,Ch5] , which was done by [Bob Kluttz|]. (42/446) ;8/29/99: Released [ACoS,Ch4] , which was done by [Bob Kluttz|]. (41/446) ;8/25/99: Released [ACoS,Ch3] , which was done by [Bob Kluttz|]. (40/446) ;8/18/99: Released [LoC,Ch3] , which was done by [Jeff Ashworth|]. (39/446) ;7/13/99: Added artwork by [Zach Bowling|] : [TEotW,Prologue], [Shayol Ghul], the [Ways], [Stone of Tear]. ;7/12/99: Released [ACoS,Ch2] , which was done by [Bob Kluttz|]. (38/446) ;7/4/99: Released [LoC,Ch2], which was done by [Jeff Ashworth|]. (37/446) ;7/3/99: After a two month hiatus, I've released [ACoS,Ch1] , which was done by [Bob Kluttz|]. (36/446) ;5/11/99: Released [LoC,Ch1] , which was done by [Jeff Ashworth|]. (35/446) 10% done! ;5/5/99: Released [ACoS,Prologue] , which was done by [Bob Kluttz|]. (34/446) This adds a huge amount of new characters and forces a reformatting of the character index page. ;4/14/99: Added [Joel Northwall|] artwork: [Dragonmount] , [Rhuidean] , [Stone of Tear] , [Pit of Doom|Shayol Ghul] . ;4/5/99: __[Bob Kluttz|]__ added %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%% and [Egwene's dreams|Egwenes Dreams]. ;3/20/99: [Jeff Ashworth|] finished [LoC,Epilogue]. (33/446) ;3/3/99: Finally finished [TSR,Ch38] . That was a meaty chapter. (32/446) ;3/1/99: Added artwork from [Spencer Collier|] to ''[Callandor]''. ;2/27/99: Finished [TSR,Ch20] . (31/446) ;2/27/99: Added plot threads diagram for [TSR|The Shadow Rising] . ;2/27/99: Added artwork to [Sea Folk|] by [Chi Cheung|] . ;2/27/99: Finished [TSR,Ch19] . (30/446) ;2/24/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch41|] . (29/446) Moves [seals|] to [items|] . ;2/23/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch40]. (28/446) ;2/22/99: Added [Zerah Dacan], which was done by [Jeff Smith|]. ;2/19/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch39]. (27/446) ;2/18/99: Added links to artwork by Tom Reid ([River Erinin|Erinin River], [Aiel Waste] ). ;2/15/99: Added links to artwork by: * [Gyles Fohl|] ( [Lan], [Aviendha], [Lanfear] ) * [Bravehamster|] ( [TEotW,Prologue] , [Ways] ) ;2/15/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch36] (26/446). Changed chapter template. ;2/15/99: Added links to artwork by: * [James Beveridge|] ( [TEotW,Ch1], [TEotW,Ch2], [TEotW,Ch3], [Galad], [Maidens], [Fade], [Trolloc] ) * [Rob Christianson|] ( [TEotW,Prologue] , [Tar Valon] , [White Tower] , [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)] ) * [Mark Bray|] ( [TEotW,Prologue] ) ;2/15/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch35]. (25/446) ;2/14/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch34]. (24/446) ;2/12/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch33]. (23/446) ;1/28/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch32]. (22/446) ;1/27/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch31]. (21/446) ;1/17/99: Finished [LoC,Ch46]. (20/446) ;1/7/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch3]. (19/446) ;1/3/99: Finished [TEotW,Ch21]. (18/446) ;12/31/98: Finished [TEotW,Ch24]. (17/446) ;12/29/98: Finished [ACoS,Ch27]. (16/446) ;12/26/98: Finished [TDR,Ch50]. (15/446) ;12/26/98: Finished [TSR,Ch32]. (14/446) ;12/24/98: Finished [TGH,Ch9]. (13/446) ;12/23/98: Finished [TDR,Ch13]. (12/446) Added Status Page. ;12/22/98: Updated many of the character pages to new format. Finished [TSR,Ch41]. (11/446) ;12/18/98: Added search engine. ;12/13/98: Finished [TFoH,Ch41]. (10/446) ;12/5/98: Worked more on references used by [LoC,Ch4]. (9/446) ;11/27/98: Created text templates for those who do not know HTML. ;11/25/98: Finished a base level of research on the [seals]. Enough to present it. ;11/24/98: I am starting research on the seven [seals] . ;11/22/98: Finished [Weiramon|Weiramon Saniago] research. Added logo and style sheet and standardized on navigation method. ;11/9/98: I will start researching [Weiramon|Weiramon Saniago] . Something tells me he might even be [Demandred] (Loony?) ;11/8/98: I finished reading [The Path of Daggers] . Back to work on this site. ;10/20/98: Work on this site paused until I finish [The Path of Daggers] . ;10/18/98: [TEotW,Prologue], [TEotW,Ch1], [TEotW,Ch2] and [LoC,Ch21] are done. (8/446) ;9/30/98: [TFoH,Ch1] is done (4/446) ;9/27/98: [TFoH,Prologue] is done (3/446) ;9/26/98: [TEotW,Ch26] and [TEotW,Ch38] are done (2/446) ;9/26/98: [Gary Kephart|] is working on [TEotW,Ch1] and [TEotW,Prologue] . ;9/24/98: __Initial pages put on web.__