[{Image src='https://img.youtube.com/vi/UIMkfP4JsxU/hqdefault.jpg' link='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIMkfP4JsxU' align='center'}]

It's a dark and stormy night. The setting is the [Winespring Inn] in [Emond's Field|Emonds Field]. The inn is crowded, music is playing and cheer is in the air. [Egwene al'Vere] is serving food. Her hair is braided. [Rand al'Thor] is standing by himself, near a wall, and looking over at [Egwene]. They exchange glances but then [Egwene] carries on. [Perrin Aybara] comes over to stand next to [Rand] and asks [Rand] "how did the ceremony go today?" to which [Rand] responds that he doesn't know because they haven't talked yet.

The door to the inn opens and a cloaked and hooded man comes in from the rain, his spurs clinking and his sword slung over his shoulder. The crowd goes quiet. [Nynaeve al’Meara|Nynaeve] stands up, puts her hand on her dagger, and challenges the man with "Name yourself, stranger." The man removes his hood. He's wearing a %%ot [hadori]%% and announces that he's [Lan]. Then he says "This is [Moiraine]" as she steps into the room, removing her hood, all dry. [Marin al'Vere]  asks if she could help [Moiraine].

[Moiraine] heads for the fireplace, with [Lan] following, ignoring [Nynaeve] as she passes her. [Moiraine] then states that they'll need stables for their horses and a room for the night. [Marin|Marin al'Vere] then notices the ring on [Moiraine]'s finger, with a [blue stone|Blue Ajah] on it, and answers with "Of course, [Moiraine] [Sedai|Aes Sedai]." [Moiraine] turns around when she reaches the fireplace and scans the room. Everyone is talking with each other in hushed tones. We see [Mat] standing, talking to some woman. [Nynaeve] still has her hand on her dagger.

Everyone is staring. Finally, [Marin|Marin al'Vere] asks "If you would come this way?" and leads [Moiraine] and [Lan] out of the room.

End scene.
%%center Breakdown %%

This scene is not in the books. It looks like it is a remaking of [Moiraine] and [Lan]'s entrance into the villages in [TEotW,Ch2]. We don't know how they really entered as the chapter is told from [Rand]'s point of view and he and [Tam|Tam al'Thor] have just arrived at the village and [Ewin|Ewin Finngar] came up and told them that the strangers had already arrived.

The scene itself, though, it pretty good at portraying what would have happened. The big question that is on everyone's mind is "What in the world is an [Aes Sedai] doing in our inn?", and rightly so. The [Aes Sedai] have a reputation, and not necessarily a good one. Everyone's going to be suspicious. It's great that [Moiraine] passes [Nynaeve] without even looking at her or slowing down, setting up the beginning of their relationship. In the books, [Moiraine] is not immediately identified as [Aes Sedai], but that may just be a shortcut to get the TV series going faster.

I'm not sure what the ceremony is that [Rand] and [Perrin] are talking about. [Bel Tine|Calendar] comes after [Winternight|Calendar], which is when Something Big Happens in [Emond's Field|Emonds Field]. In the books, [Rand] and [Egwene] are close to being betrothed ([TEotW,Ch1]), so maybe something to do with that.