An orderly at a mental asylum in [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)].

[{Image src='Yann (Show)/yann.png' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Yann (Show)/yann.png' width='150'}]

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Yann, an orderly at the asylum, bangs on a door, triggering [Errol|Errol (Show)]’s panic attack, nearly sparking a fight with [Rand|Rand (Show)], mentioning he saw "famous residents" in the garden (Scene 8 - [Episode 202])
* Yann is watched by [Rand|Rand (Show)] at a party in the [Foregate|Cairhien (City)], then followed and beaten unconscious by [Rand|Rand (Show)], who nearly uses the [One Power] on him (Scene 17 - [Episode 202])

! References (Possible Spoilers)

%%hidden until you need it
# In [Season 2]
## [Episode 202]
### Scene 30 - [Celestin|Celestin (Show)] informs [Rand|Rand (Show)] that [Yann|Yann (Show)] was attacked

Book Character: [Ihvon]\\
IMDB: [Darragh O'Toole|]

[Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Show Characters] | [Category.Episode 202 Characters]