A [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] guard loyal to High Lady [Suroth|Suroth Sabelle Meldarath]. %%collapsebox-closed ! Possible Spoilers He is a [Darkfriend|Darkfriends]. %% ! Physical Description He is tall, dark, and hook-nosed. ([TGH,Ch40], [ACoS,Ch26]) %%collapsebox-closed ! Chronology (Possible Spoilers) * Elbar leads [Suroth|Suroth Sabelle Meldarath]'s soldiers at the [Waygate|Ways] on [Toman Head]. He grabs [Min|Min Farshaw] and [Elayne|Elayne Trakand], but [Min|Min Farshaw] slashes his hand allowing [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] to escape. ([TGH,Ch40]) * When the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] take [Amador], Elbar brings [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] to High Lady [Suroth|Suroth Sabelle Meldarath] and makes her bow. ([ACoS,Ch26]) * High Lady [Suroth|Suroth Sabelle Meldarath] sends Elbar with a large force to capture and kill [Tuon|Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag]. ([KoD,Prologue]) * After the [Band of the Red Hand] slaughters the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] army, [Hartha] finds Elbar among the dead and brings his head. ([KoD,Ch37]) * Captain [Musenge] hastens to bring the head to [Karede|Furyk Karede] and [Tuon|Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag]. [Tuon|Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag] uses it as evidence to convict High Lady [Suroth|Suroth Sabelle Meldarath] of treason. ([KoD,Epilogue]) %% ! Other References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In [Knife of Dreams] ## [KoD,Prologue] - [Suroth|Suroth Sabelle Meldarath] thinks she should have Elbar locate a [Darkfriend|Darkfriends] among the %%ot [sul'dam|Seanchan (People)]%% so she can have [Liandrin] collared. ## [KoD,Epilogue] - His full name is Zaired Elbar. %% ---- More [Category Characters|Category.Characters], [Category Z Character|Category.Z Characters]