Pronunciation: BAIL DOH-mon
The captain of the Spray. He is Illianer.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
Tifan's Well#
- Bayle visits with Moiraine to do some trading. He offers 50 marks for the piece of Cuendillar and one mark for the poem written on the moon dial outside of Cairhien. She pulls out a one mark coin, gives it to him and then takes the poem, saying that's all she needs. He tells her that he could never get a glimpse of the faces of the men following him because their hoods covered their faces. She tells him to get back on his boat, the Spray, go back to Illian and then travel out to sea as far and fast as he can. He objects, saying that his boat is meant for river travel, not sea travel. She gives him 10 marks for provisions. (Episode 201)
References (Possible Spoilers)#
Book Character: Bayle Domon
IMDB: Julian Lewis Jones