Rand (TV)
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Pronunciation: RAND ahl-THOR

A young man from the Two Rivers. His father is Tam. Best friends with Mat and Perrin.

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

Two Rivers#

Journey to Tar Valon#

  • Master Hightower ferries Moiraine, Lan, Rand, Perrin, Mat and Egwene across the Taren River. (Episode 102)
  • Rand dreams that something is caught in his throat, and then he pulls a dead bat out of his mouth. Not far away, a shadowy figure of a man appears, with embers for eyes. Mat and Perrin has similar dreams. (Episode 102)
  • Mat, Rand, Perrin and Egwene sing the song "Weep for Manetheren" and Moiraine explains the fall of Manetheren to them. (Episode 102)
  • Lan, Moiraine, Rand, Mat, Perrin and Egwene enter Shadar Logoth. (Episode 102)
  • Mat and Rand run away together and eventually find a way out of the city through a grate. They push a fallen tree into the river and cling onto it as it heads downstream. (Episode 102)
  • Rand and Mat are climbing up a rocky mountain on the other side of the river from Shadar Logoth and are continuing east to the White Tower. (Episode 103)
  • Rand and Mat crest a peak and see a stone canyon below them. There's a town, Breen's Spring, at the bottom. They wander through the town until they find The Four Kings and go inside. They watch Thom sing a song for the crowd while playing his guitar. (Episode 103)
  • Rand and Mat talk to Dana about a room for the night. Rand ends up chopping wood and Mat serves drinks. (Episode 103)
  • Dana comes out to check on Rand's progress and see that he's chopped more than enough to earn a room with a real roof. (Episode 103)
  • Dana and Rand are chatting in his room. She gets up and walks to the door, then shuts and locks it. She asks him "was it the hair?" and says it made her look too much like Egwene. Rand tries to get his sword, but Dana gets it first. She holds him at swords-length and says that she's waiting for Mat because she needs him also. Rand starts pounding on the door. (Episode 103)
  • Rand breaks the door down and runs away. He sees Mat and they start running, with Dana in pursuit, holding Rand's sword. She corners them and explains that the Dark One wants them to join him in the breaking of the Wheel. Thom throws a dagger from behind her and she falls dead. He tells Rand and Mat that he's headed east and they decide to join him. (Episode 103)
  • Mat and Rand stop for a moment. They talk about Thom's trustworthiness. Rand wonders if Thom killed Dana just to get them to trust him more. (Episode 104)
  • Thom, Mat and Rand have dismounted and are scouting a farm. Thom says that they'll wait until dark to sneak into the barn, sleep the night, and then be away before they're discovered. Master Grinwell appears with a drawn bow. Rand explains that they just wanted to sleep the night there. He surmises that Master Grinwell doesn't want to kill them because he's holding his bow wrong. (Episode 104)
  • Mat and Rand are mucking out the stalls while Thom is sipping tea. (Episode 104)
  • Thom tells Rand the story of his nephew Owyn. Thom tells him that they have to keep Mat away from the Red Ajah. (Episode 104)
  • Mat and Rand are sleeping in the barn. Rand sits up and reminds Mat that he's here for him no matter what happens. (Episode 104)
  • Rand is dreaming. Perrin is hammering on a covered body. Mat walks by with blood covered hands. Egwene calls out to Rand but then the man with the burning eyes and mouth comes up from behind and grabs Egwene. Rand wakes up. (Episode 104)
  • Rand and Thom rush into the Grinwell's house. They first see Mistress Grinwell and her son dead on the floor. In the next room, they see Master Grinwell also dead. They then see Mat standing with his back to them. Thom is set to grab Mat, but then Mat raises his hand, which is holding the ruby dagger, and points into the dark upstairs area. He says "I see you" and a Fade's face appears out of the shadows. Thom fights the Fade as Rand and Mat run outside. They see Helga's body out there, but Rand urges Mat to continue on. They get on their horses and ride off. (Episode 104)
  • Rand and Mat are walking with other people on a path to Tar Valon. He sees a mountain in the distance and says that he thinks he's seen it before. (Episode 105)

Tar Valon#

  • Rand and Mat head for an inn that Thom told Rand about, The Light's Blessing, and get a room. (Episode 105)
  • Rand is in a library and he meets Loial. Rand sees Mat walking on the street below and excuses himself to go catch up with Mat. (Episode 105)
  • Rand is walking down the street trying to spot Mat. He finally sees him on a balcony and goes up to join him. (Episode 105)
  • While up on the balcony after Logain has passed by, Mat and Rand make a deal with each other that if either of them start to channel then the other one won't let him end up like Logain. (Episode 105)
  • Loial knocks on Rand's door and then enters. Nynaeve comes barging into the room. (Episode 105)
  • Rand and Nynaeve are in the hallway outside the room. Rand tells her that he thinks Mat can channel. Nynaeve tells him the story of Egwene having breakbone fever as a child. (Episode 105)

References (Possible Spoilers)#

Book Character: Rand
IMDB: Josha Stradowski

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