Title: Lord Bertome of House Saighan
A Cairhienin nobleman. Cousin to Colavaere.
Physical Description#
He is short and ruggedly handsome. (TPoD,Ch21)
Points of View#
See Bertome Saighan's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Rand sends for many nobles of dubious loyalty to help him fight the Seanchan. Among them are Ailil Riatin and Bertome Saighan. (TPoD,Ch21)
- As they prepare for the final battle with the Seanchan, Weiramon leads Kiril Drapaneos, Bertome, Doressin and several minor Cairhienin nobles. Doressin tells Bertome, a childhood friend, that he thinks Rand means for him to die for listening to Colavaere. (TPoD,Ch24)
- Rand brings Ailil, Anaiyella, Bertome, Weiramon and other nobles of questionable loyalty back to the Sun Palace with him and sets them up with trustworthy servants. (TPoD,Ch27)
- Weiramon and Bertome chat as they walk through the Sun Palace. (CoT,Prologue)
- Elayne meets with Bertome, Lorstrum and other powerful Cairhienin nobles in Caemlyn. She offers them lands in Andor if they will cede her authority in Cairhien. (ToM,Ch50)
- Elayne arrives in Cairhien and Bertome and Lorstrum lead her escort to the Sun Palace. (ToM,Ch52)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
Category Characters