Pronunciation: ih-SHAH-may-EHL
aka: Ba'alzamon, Betrayer of Hope, Elan Morin Tedronai
Pronunciation: bah-AHL-zah-mon
One of the Forsaken. His original name was Elan Morin Tedronai.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
The Eye of the World#
- Rand wakes from sleep and Moiraine asks him if he had a dream and he replies that the Dark One knows where they are. Ishamael, with ember eyes and mouth, stabs Moiraine through the back of her head and she falls dead. He is dressed in a similar fashion as Lews Therin in the cold open. Rand shoots him in the eye. Ishamael pushes the arrow through his eye, which takes his face with it, revealing that he had a mask on and had a normal face beneath it. Ishamael says that Rand looks nothing like Lews Therin, but he can still tell that Rand is him. Ishamael asks Rand what his plan is. He compares who Rand has with him now (Moiraine) versus what Lews Therin had with him then (99 companions). Rand draws his sword and Ishamael notices that it's a heron-marked blade. Ishamael asks where he got it from and Rand replies from his father. Ishamael is amused that Rand thinks that Tam is his father. (Episode 108)
- At the Eye, Rand seems to be passed out and Moiraine is trying to revive him. Ishamael appears and Moiraine instantly channels to attack, but Ishamael stops the attack and then shields Moiraine. (Episode 108)
- Rand accepts that it's really Egwene, but the whole scene freezes moments later and Ishamael approaches them. He tells Rand that he can remake the world in his image and that he can show Rand how. The scene switches back to the Eye. Ishamael is wondering if Rand will pick the Light or Dark. Moiraine pulls a knife out and places it at Rand's throat, warning that if Rand doesn't choose the Light, she will choose for him. (Episode 108)
- Ishamael shows Rand that the world is not so stable by causing a slash to appear in Egwene's neck. He repairs it after Rand demands him to. Rand then asks Ishamael how he can make it real. (Episode 108)
- Ishamael is giving instructions to Rand, telling him to empty himself of all feelings and turn them into want. To want everything so much that it turns into reality. Rand starts channeling. The scene changes back to the Eye. Ishamael informs Moiraine that Rand is now channeling. (Episode 108)
- Rand is drawing in more One Power with Ishamael urging him on. (Episode 108)
- Rand is now channeling into Moiraine's sa'angreal. Ishamael tells him to stop, to make the world how he wants. Rand asks about what Egwene wants and then releases the Power in the sa'angreal into Ishamael, seemingly destroying him and cracking the symbol on the floor. (Episode 108)
Darkfriend Social#
- A girl calls out to her mother and Ishamael comes beneath the table to talk to the girl. He asks her if there's a monster outside. She acknowledges that, and he takes her to go outside with him. He mentions that people call him a Forsaken. Ishamael and the girl walk back outside where the three Trollocs are standing. They do not attack. He convinces the girl that the Trollocs aren't evil but maybe just hungry. He picks her up and approaches one of the Trollocs and touches its face. The Trolloc leans into his hand. The girl then tries touching the Trolloc and it leans into her hand as well. The girl giggles. (Episode 201)
- In Rand’s nightmare, Ishamael observes him slaying friends, vanishing with a chuckle as Rand awakens (Scene 3 - Episode 202)
Arad Doman#
- Ishamael accompanies a Seanchan leader on a stepped palanquin with 20 steps per side, carried by 40-50 bearers, topped with a covered area holding the leader, himself, and a third figure, as Perrin, Ingtar, Uno, Masema, Loial, the other Hunters for the Horn, and Atuans Mill residents sit captured by the Seanchan (Scene 29 - Episode 202)
References (Possible Spoilers)#
Book Character: Ishamael