Both Elayne and Nynaeve seem nervous. Nynaeve finally admits that she captured Moghedien and that most of their "discoveries" came from her. She shows Egwene the a'dam bracelet. Only Siuan, Leane and Birgitte also know. Egwene says she will not ask about Birgitte. She thinks Rand will not trust Elayne for using Moghedien.[1] Nynaeve goes to fetch "Marigan." Meanwhile Egwene tells Elayne something of her plans. There are less than a thousand Aes Sedai. There are probably more channeling Wise Ones. Egwene intends to unite them as well as the Sea Folk Windfinders. Nynaeve returns with Marigan. They explain about disguises and inversion. Nynaeve gives Egwene the a'dam bracelet. Egwene tests Moghedien asking her about Traveling. She tells the truth confirming what Rand told her and she says she can teach Egwene the right way. Egwene then weaves Spirit[2] and opens a gateway to the Aiel Waste demonstrating that she already figured it out. Nynaeve carelessly mentions Ebou Dar in front of Moghedien and Egwene feels shock from her.[3] Siuan arrives and Egwene sends "Marigan," Elayne and Nynaeve away. Egwene tells Siuan that she means to have her help in being successful. She will take advice from Siuan but that is all. Siuan grudgingly admires Egwene's strength, then proceeds to give her a lot of good advice on how to get the Salidar Aes Sedai moving.
More Egwene POV
Romanda is with three other Sitters who support her.[4] They supported Egwene solely to keep the stole from Lelaine. She thinks raising the Accepted was Sheriam's idea. She wonders what is keeping Delana.
More Romanda Cassin POV
Lelaine is with four other Sitters who support her.[5] They supported Egwene solely to keep the stole from Romanda. She thinks raising the Accepted was Sheriam's idea. She wonders what is keeping Delana.
More Lelaine Akashi POV
Delana is with Halima. Halima insists that she support every side. Delana balks saying she will be caught. Halima tells her to support severing or even killing Logain.[6]
More Delana Mosalaine POV
Siuan tells Lelaine that Romanda is bothering Egwene insisting that they stay in Salidar. Siuan thinks Egwene will be a very strong Amyrlin.
More Siuan Sanche POV
Nynaeve tells Romanda that Lelaine is bothering Egwene insisting that they stay in Salidar.
More Nynaeve POV
Elayne tells Sheriam that Egwene is worried about Lelaine and Romanda. They both insist on staying in Salidar and they will think they control Egwene if they get their way.
More Elayne POV
Egwene relaxes in her bath as Chesa scrubs her back. She recalls Rhuarc saying that when battle begins a battle leader no longer has control. She has marshaled her little army as well as possible. She thinks the Wise Ones would be proud of her.
[#1] Ironic since he used Asmodean in much the same way!
[#2] Note that a gateway of saidin requires both Spirit and Fire. (KoD,Ch21)
[#3] The first indication that Moghedien has some activity going on in Ebou Dar, confirmed in LoC,Epilogue.
[#4] They are Varilin, Saroiya and Magla Daronos. (TPoD,Ch19)
[#5] They include Lyrelle, Takima and Faiselle. (TPoD,Ch19) Two books later there are only three visible supporters, so either she loses one, the fourth is a secret, or this is simply an error.
[#6] Is this just to avoid Logain detecting Halima using saidin or is there some other reason? Also, she uses the term severing from the Age of Legends.