Pronunciation: moh-GHEH-dee-ehn
aka: Lilen Moiral, Gyldin, Marigan
One of the Forsaken. Her real name was Lilen Moiral.
Physical Description#
She is sturdily handsome with shoulder-length hair worn loose. She has large, dark eyes and smooth cheeks. (TSR,Ch46)
As Gyldin she is sturdily handsome and dark-braided. (TSR,Ch38)
As Marigan, she looks as if she was once plump. She has a weary, blunt face. (TFoH,Ch49)
- by Dabel Brothers Production ![]() |
Points of View#
See Moghedien's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- During the Shadow War, Moghedien plots to take down Lews Therin, but Teadra (Birgitte) foils her plan. Moghedien vows to make her weep forever. (TFoH,Ch25)
- The thirteen Forsaken meet with the Great Lord in the Pit of Doom. Lews Therin and his companions seal the Bore, trapping the Forsaken for over three thousand years.
- As soon as she is freed from the Bore, Moghedien begins searching old records for useful information. She learns of the existence of the sad bracelets. (TSR,Ch54)
- Masquerading as a servant, Gyldin, she is ordered about by Liandrin. (TSR,Ch38)
- Moghedien senses Elayne channel and follows them to the Three Plum Court. She compels Elayne and Nynaeve to tell her everything, but misses some crucial information because of poorly asked questions. (TSR,Ch46)
- In Tel'aran'rhiod, Moghedien visits the Panarch's Palace museum to check out the seal and the sad bracelets. Nynaeve sees her and succeeds in breaking her compulsion. (TSR,Ch52)
- In the Panarch's Palace, Nynaeve runs into Moghedien in the museum. Nynaeve winds up shielding and binding Moghedien, but she escapes. (TSR,Ch54)
- Moghedien reveals herself to Liandrin's Black Ajah group in Amador and sends them on varying missions. She sends five of them off to hunt for Nynaeve. She sends Ispan and Falion to Ebou Dar after the *angreal stash. (TFoH,Ch18)
- Moghedien spies on Elayne and Egwene in Tel'aran'rhiod. She learns that they are scheming with Birgitte. She follows Egwene to Emond's Field and tries to trap her in Tel'aran'rhiod. (TFoH,Ch25)
- In Tel'aran'rhiod, Moghedien spies on Rahvin, Sammael, Lanfear and Graendal. She traps Birgitte and Nynaeve, but Birgitte wounds her with an arrow. Back in Amador, Chesmal Heals her. She shields Liandrin, leaves Temaile to torment her, then orders Chesmal and the others to follow her to Ghealdan. (TFoH,Ch34)
- Asne, Chesmal, Eldrith and Temaile join Moghedien in Samara. (WH,Ch10)
- Areina, Nicola, Marigan and her sons, Seve and Jaril, are among the refugees who board the Riverserpent with Nynaeve and Elayne. (TFoH,Ch48)
- Of all the refugees, Nynaeve feels closest to Areina, Nicola and Marigan. The three decide to accompany Nynaeve and Elayne to Salidar. (TFoH,Ch49)
- Nynaeve, Elayne, Thom, Juilin, Birgitte, Areina, Nicola, Marigan, Uno, Ragan and the rest of the Shienarans arrive at Salidar. (TFoH,Ch50)
- Moghedien traps Nynaeve in Tel'aran'rhiod. Nynaeve captures her with an a'dam. Moghedien tells Nynaeve the Rand is walking into a trap in Caemlyn. (TFoH,Ch54)
- Nynaeve forces Moghedien to go with her to the Royal Palace where they help Rand kill Rahvin. Nynaeve figures out that Moghedien is really in Salidar and drugs her. (TFoH,Ch55)
- Nynaeve uses the a'dam and Moghedien as a surrogate to test Siuan and Leane. (LoC,Prologue)
- Moghedien is furious because she has to wash cookpots. She teaches Nynaeve a method to detect men channeling that, in reality, only causes severe headaches. (LoC,Ch8)
- Moghedien "helps" Elayne and Nynaeve learn Age of Legends channeling techniques. She does more harm than good, but actually teaches them a little. She tries to talk Nynaeve into leaving Salidar and going to Caemlyn. (LoC,Ch12)
- Moghedien tries to talk Elayne into leaving Salidar and going to Caemlyn. (LoC,Ch13)
- When the bubble of evil attacks Salidar Moghedien hides under her bed. (LoC,Ch15)
- Birgitte overhears Moghedien say something derogatory and beats her badly. (LoC,Ch29)
- Elayne and Nynaeve introduce Moghedien to Egwene and give Egwene the a'dam bracelet. (LoC,Ch37)
- Elayne and Nynaeve discover that Moghedien lied to them about the trick of not feeling the heat and punish her for it. (LoC,Ch39)
- Moghedien is freed of the a'dam necklace by Aran'gar. She is summoned to Shayol Ghul. (LoC,Epilogue)
- After she leaves Salidar, Moghedien arrives instantly at Shayol Ghul where she is taken to the Pit of Doom by Shaidar Haran and mindtrapped. After some time in a vacuole (only two days real time) she is introduced to Moridin who holds her mindtrap. (ACoS,Ch25)
- Moghedien spots Nynaeve, runs to the top of an inn and tries to balefire her. She hurries back to her carriage hoping Moridin will not notice or at least forgive her independent action. She goes to look for Falion and Ispan. (ACoS,Ch30)
- Cyndane and Moghedien visit Graendal to tell her that Moridin is Nae'blis. She briefly puts them under Compulsion, which really angers them. (TPoD,Ch12)
- Moghedien sends Daved Hanlon to Lady Shiaine in Caemlyn. (TPoD,Ch28)
- Moghedien orders Marillin Gemalphin to report to Lady Shiaine. (WH,Ch10)
- Aran'gar, Cyndane, Demandred, Graendal, Moghedien, Osan'gar and Semirhage respond to the call of the Choedan Kal and Travel to Shadar Logoth to stop Rand. Moghedien stays back even though she feels Moridin stroking her mindtrap. She is sucked into the maelstrom when the black dome collapses. (WH,Ch35)
- Moridin calls a meeting in Tel'aran'rhiod and Aran'gar, Cyndane, Demandred, Graendal, Mesaana, Moghedien and Semirhage attend. He orders them to kill Mat and Perrin but Rand is his. (KoD,Ch3)
- Moridin has Cyndane and Moghedien rallying Darkfriends to kill Mat and Perrin. (TGS,Prologue)
- Moghedien attends a meeting with Moridin and the other Chosen where she meets Hessalam and M'Hael. Her status has risen so she is now allowed to carry her own mindtrap. Moridin assigns her to assist Demandred by covering one of the opposition armies. (AMoL,Prologue)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch9 - Lanfear warns Rand that Sammael, Rahvin and Moghedien fear him too much to wait. First mention of Moghedien.
- TSR,Ch50 - Lanfear chides Asmodean telling him that he fears risk as much as Moghedien.
- TSR,Ch52 - Moghedien can do things in Tel'aran'rhiod that Lanfear never dreamed of.
- TSR,Ch54 - Moghedien was about two hundred years old when the Bore was opened.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Prologue - Lanfear says that she suspects that either Moghedien or Demandred is trying to control Rand.
- TFoH,Ch3 - Asmodean tells Rand that he thinks Moghedien is hiding someplace in the west.
- TFoH,Ch6 - Rand questions Lanfear's assertion that Rahvin sent the Darkhound. Why not Demandred or Sammael or Semirhage or Moghedien?
- TFoH,Ch9 - Elayne and Nynaeve assume that Moghedien, Liandrin and the rest of the Black Ajah escaped Tanchico.
- TFoH,Ch14 - Birgitte tells Nynaeve that she has seen most of the other Forsaken in Tel'aran'rhiod but she has seen nothing of Moghedien.
- TFoH,Ch14 - A moghedien was a tiny, deadly spider in the Age of Legends.
- TFoH,Ch15 - Egwene warns Nynaeve to avoid Moghedien.
- TFoH,Ch16 - Elayne questions the wisdom of asking Birgitte to search for Moghedien.
- TFoH,Ch25 - Elayne tells Egwene that Moghedien is following her and Nynaeve.
- TFoH,Ch35 - Nynaeve tells Elayne about their encounter with Moghedien. She thinks Moghedien is still alive and will now be looking for them in a circus.
- TFoH,Ch36 - Elayne tells Thom and Juilin that they are hunting Moghedien and she is hunting them.
- TFoH,Ch40 - When Galad confronts Nynaeve, Uno and Ragan, Nynaeve cannot channel for fear of alerting Moghedien and the Black Ajah.
- TFoH,Ch47 - Nynaeve and Elayne worry about visiting Tel'aran'rhiod with Moghedien around.
- TFoH,Ch48 - When they are attacked by a mob in Samara, Nynaeve and Elayne cannot channel for fear of alerting Moghedien and the Black Ajah.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Prologue - Demandred tells the Great Lord that Moghedien failed to make a meeting with Graendal yesterday.
- LoC,Ch6 - Sammael asks where Asmodean, Lanfear and Moghedien are. Graendal says she thinks Rand killed them.
- LoC,Ch23 - Sammael asks again where Asmodean, Lanfear and Moghedien are. Graendal says Asmodean and Lanfear are dead. Moghedien probably is, too.
- LoC,Epilogue - Falion is under orders from Moghedien to find hidden *angreal in Ebou Dar.
- In A Crown of Swords
- ACoS,Ch8 - Egwene feels a sharp pain then nothing when Moghedien's collar is removed by Aran'gar.
- ACoS,Ch9 - Egwene tells Siuan and Leane about Moghedien's escape.
- ACoS,Ch10 - Egwene visits Elayne's and Nynaeve's dreams to warn them about Moghedien's escape. She is too afraid to consider finding Moghedien's dream. She warns the Wise Ones that Moghedien might attack them.
- ACoS,Ch12 - Egwene asked Moghedien what would happen if one stepped off the back of the platform after Skimming. The very idea terrified Moghedien.
- ACoS,Ch13 - Elayne, Nynaeve, Aviendha and Birgitte are worried that Moghedien might come after them.
- ACoS,Ch17 - Falion and Ispan are in Ebou Dar searching for the *angreal stash on Moghedien's orders. They have not heard from her in a while.
- ACoS,Ch21 - Birgitte explains to Mat that Moghedien forced her physically out of Tel'aran'rhiod.
- ACoS,Ch31 - Nynaeve realizes it must have been Moghedien who attacked her.
- ACoS,Ch37 - Lan tells Mat about Moghedien's attack.
- In The Path of Daggers
- In Winters Heart
- In Crossroads of Twilight
- CoT,Ch17 - Egwene figured out the weave for making cuendillar from hints from Moghedien.
- CoT,Ch18 - Egwene learned the weave for Compulsion from Moghedien.
- In The Gathering Storm
- TGS,Ch7 - Nynaeve thinks it is wrong to hold Semirhage after her experience losing Moghedien.
- TGS,Ch33 - Nynaeve shudders at the Compulsion on Kerb remembering her own experience with Moghedien.
- TGS,Ch37 - Min wonders if Graendal may be setting a trap, but Rand says that she is not subtle like Moghedien.
- TGS,Ch45 - Some Sitters argue that they should question the Black Ajah sisters but Egwene insists on execution. She will not make the same mistake she made with Moghedien.
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Ch15 - Elandria Borndat wrote that Mesaana was more of a direct leader than Graendal or Moghedien.
- ToM,Ch20 - While the Sitters debate Nynaeve's test for the shawl, Egwene warns them it would be unwise not to raise the woman who defeated Moghedien.
- ToM,Ch38 - Egwene is right in her analysis. Mesaana will stay and fight, not run like Moghedien.