aka: Joar Addam Nessosin, Jasin Natael
Pronunciation: JAY-sihn nah-TAYL
One of the Forsaken. His real name was Joar Addam Nessosin. In the Age of Legends he was a noted composer of music.
Physical Description#
He is in his middle years and has dark hair. (TSR,Ch36) He is handsome and tall with dark, deep-set eyes. He has an odd way of holding his head cocked sideways when addressing someone. (TSR,Ch37)
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Points of View#
See Asmodean's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- During the Shadow War Asmodean serves as an effective governor and administrator. (Robert Jordan blog)
- The thirteen Forsaken meet with the Great Lord in the Pit of Doom. Lews Therin and his companions seal the Bore, trapping the Forsaken for over three thousand years.
- Mat notes a gleeman in Keille Shaogi's wagon when they meet the band of peddlers. (TSR,Ch36)
- The gleeman, Jasin Natael, questions Mat when they camp at Imre Stand. (TSR,Ch37)
- In Tel'aran'rhiod, Asmodean inspects the fog bank surrounding Rhuidean. Nynaeve sees him, but Birgitte warns her off. (TSR,Ch39)
- Jasin Natael questions Rand at length about being the Dragon Reborn. He also spends a lot of time with the Shaido. (TSR,Ch48)
- Asmodean gives Couladin a pair of dragon marks like Rand's. (TSR,Ch57)
- Jasin Natael entertains the residents of Cold Rocks Hold. (TSR,Ch50)
- In Rand's dream, Asmodean confronts Lanfear and they argue. (TSR,Ch50)
- The peddlers with Kadere, Keille, Natael and Isendre accompany the Aiel to Alcair Dal. (TSR,Ch57)
- While Rand is busy with Couladin and the clan chiefs, Asmodean Skims to Rhuidean. (TSR,Ch57)
- Rand catches Asmodean just as he grabs the control statue. They destroy much of Rhuidean and the surrounding area during their battle. Rand finally succeeds in severing his tie to the Dark One. Lanfear partially shields him, then Rand takes him back to Alcair Dal planning to use him as a teacher. (TSR,Ch58)
- Jasin Natael plays the harp while Rand meets with the clan chiefs. (TFoH,Ch2)
- Rand talks with Asmodean about his training and the Forsaken. Afterwards, he weaves a ward of Fire to prevent Asmodean from leaving his room. (TFoH,Ch3)
- After the Darkhound attack, Rand finds Asmodean asleep in his room, but there are footprints outside the door. (TFoH,Ch6)
- Jasin Natael is well-dressed as usual as Rand and the Aiel prepare to leave Rhuidean. (TFoH,Ch7)
- Rand and Jasin Natael are busy discussing the Prophecies of the Dragon when Egwene comes to visit. (TFoH,Ch15)
- Asmodean carries Rand's banner as they ride into Jangai Pass. (TFoH,Ch20)
- Asmodean tells Rand that the ruins high in the mountains could possibly be his hometown of Shorelle. (TFoH,Ch21)
- Asmodean stays in his tent when the Shadowspawn attack. Afterwards, he and Rand discuss who is responsible for the attack, Sammael or one of the other Forsaken. (TFoH,Ch22)
- Mat and Natael are close to Rand as they ride out of the Jangai Pass into Cairhien. (TFoH,Ch23)
- Isendre starts keeping company with Natael, but he is only interested in sex and music. (TFoH,Ch29)
- Asmodean returns to Rand's room and finds a gateway blocked open. He makes it invisible and waits. He tells Niella that Rand and Aviendha are indisposed. When Rand returns, he demands that Asmodean teach him the invisibility weave and how to block weaves of saidar. (TFoH,Ch32)
- In Rand's tent, Asmodean gains new respect for Mat as he devises a detailed battle plan in a few minutes. (TFoH,Ch42)
- After the battle, Moiraine conscripts Asmodean into helping with the wounded. When Rand collapses, Asmodean uses his meager Talent at Healed to help him. (TFoH,Ch44)
- Early the next morning, Asmodean speaks with the Tairen and Cairhienin delegations that come to call. He goes to fetch Rand's horse. (TFoH,Ch45)
- Asmodean, Aviendha and the Maidens accompany Rand as he makes his triumphal entrance into Cairhien. (TFoH,Ch46)
- Asmodean is with Rand when he meets with some nobles and later when Mat brings news of Morgase's death. Rand sends him away, but orders him to return later. (TFoH,Ch51)
- The next morning Asmodean convinces Rand to let him come to Caemlyn. Moiraine leads Rand, Mat, Asmodean, Aviendha, Egwene and Lan to the docks of Cairhien. When Lanfear attacks, Asmodean and Mat are left outside the main battle. (TFoH,Ch52)
- After Lanfear's attack Asmodean looks terrified. (TFoH,Ch53)
- Rand, Mat, Asmodean, Aviendha and numerous Aiel warriors Skim to Caemlyn outside the Royal Palace. They are immediately attacked by Trollocs, Fades and lightning. Mat, Asmodean and Aviendha are killed. (TFoH,Ch54)
- Mat, Asmodean and Aviendha are alive again after Rand balefires Rahvin back beyond the point where he killed them with lightning. (TFoH,Ch55)
- That afternoon Mat and Aviendha talk by a fountain while Asmodean plays his harp. He walks down a hall to try to find a pantry with some wine. He opens a small door and someone kills him. (TFoH,Ch56)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Dragon Reborn
- In The Shadow Rising
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Prologue - Sammael asks if Asmodean really is a traitor and Lanfear confirms it.
- TFoH,Ch3 - Asmodean went over to the Great Lord for the promise of immortality. He was a noted composer of music.
- TFoH,Ch4 - Rand thinks it is ironic that he trusts Asmodean more than he trusts Moiraine.
- TFoH,Ch4 - Rand knows that Kadere and Isendre are Darkfriends, but he must let them go to protect Asmodean.
- TFoH,Ch30 - From Lews Therin's memories, Rand knows that Asmodean and Semirhage were both poor at controlling weather.
- TFoH,Ch44 - Asmodean is poor at Healing.
- TFoH,Ch45 - Rand remembers that Asmodean's full name was Joar Addam Nessosin.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Prologue - Demandred tells the Great Lord that Asmodean and Lanfear vanished. The Great Lord tells Demandred that Asmodean is dead and implies that he died the final death. Demandred did not know that.
- LoC,Ch6 - Sammael asks Graendal where Asmodean and Lanfear are. Graendal says she thinks Rand killed them.
- LoC,Ch6 - Semirhage does not know where Asmodean is. He seems to have vanished.
- LoC,Ch23 - Sammael again asks Graendal where Asmodean and Lanfear are. Graendal says they are dead. Sammael tells her to show him the bodies.
- LoC,Ch32 - Rand returns to the Heart of the Stone and inverts the weaves of his traps on Callandor the way Asmodean taught him.
- LoC,Ch49 - Rand recalls Asmodean teaching him the Mirror of Mists, also called Illusion.
- In A Crown of Swords
- In The Path of Daggers
- In Knife of Dreams
- In The Gathering Storm
- TGS,Ch1 - Rand still does not know what became of Asmodean.
- TGS,Ch29 - Rand thinks that Graendal is still in Arad Doman as Asmodean told him.
- TGS,Ch50 - Atop Dragonmount, Rand easily comes up with the weaves to control air temperature and pressure that Asmodean tried to teach him.
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Epilogue - Shaidar Haran blames Graendal for the death of Asmodean and other failings.