This page (revision-11) was last changed on 11-Mar-2025 10:49 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Feb-2025 01:28 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
11 11-Mar-2025 10:49 2 KB Administrator to previous
10 11-Mar-2025 10:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
9 11-Mar-2025 10:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
8 11-Mar-2025 10:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
7 11-Mar-2025 10:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
6 08-Mar-2025 00:35 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
5 01-Mar-2025 22:12 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
4 01-Mar-2025 22:11 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
3 01-Mar-2025 22:06 540 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
2 27-Feb-2025 01:42 531 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
1 26-Feb-2025 01:28 495 bytes Administrator to last

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At line 3 added 2 lines
[{Image src='Tomas (Show)/Tomas.png' height='150'}]
At line 8 added 9 lines
! Tifan's Well
* Outside a building, %%brown [Adeleas|Adeleas (Show)]%% is lounging on a couch with Tomas sitting nearby. ([Episode 201])
* Tomas and [Lan|Lan (Show)] chat about %%blue [Moiraine|Moiraine (Show)]%%. ([Episode 201])
* Back at [Tifan's Well|Tifans Well], %%brown [Adeleas|Adeleas (Show)]%%, %%brown [Verin|Verin (Show)]%%, Tomas and [Lan|Lan (Show)] are sitting down for dinner. ([Episode 201])
* Tomas asks [Lan|Lan (Show)] if he wants everyone to wait for [Moiraine|Moiraine (Show)] and [Lan|Lan (Show)] says yes, sure that tonight will be the night. ([Episode 201])
* Tomas says perhaps it's time for [Lan|Lan (Show)] to be quiet and just listen. [Lan|Lan (Show)] says that that's probably the first time anyone's asked him to be quiet. ([Episode 201])
* Not far away, [Verin|Verin (Show)] yells for them to cover their ears. [Verin|Verin (Show)] lights Tomas's blade on fire and he kills the remaining [Fade]. ([Episode 201])