An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah. She is younger than Escaralde but older than Aledrin and Kwamesa.
Physical Description#
She is haughty and has big brown eyes. (CoT,Ch19)
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- The Salidar Sitters including Berana elect Egwene as their Amyrlin. (LoC,Ch35)
- At the War Vote Berana stands voting YES. (TPoD,Ch19)
- The Sitters meet to hear the report on Shadar Logoth. Berana stands voting YES on an alliance with the Black Tower. (CoT,Ch19)
- Kwamesa, Escaralde, Berana and Romanda each insist that their own Ajah lead the embassy to the Black Tower. (CoT,Ch20)
- The rebel Hall meets for the first time since Egwene's return. The Sitters include Berana, Kwamesa, Lelaine, Romanda, Takima and Varilin. Egwene exposes Sheriam and Moria as Black Ajah and the others retake the Oaths on prove themselves. Egwene announces a full purge of the Black Ajah and an assault on the White Tower. (TGS,Ch43)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
Category Characters